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'Shopping!' Lilly yells into my ear after arriving at the shopping mall. I growl at her feeling my headache already coming up from how fucking loud she is. Stepping out of the car I see people looking... Or staring at me and Lilly and I growl slowly. 'Stupid humans.' We mutter at the same time and then burst out laughing over our own joke. 'Yeah.' Lilly sighs before looping her arm around mine pulling me with her to the first shop; Forever 21. We split knowing we both have a different style and I pick up some clothes so that I can fit them. I pull off my own clothes and I pull on the Cuffed Drawstring Shorts that fit perfectly around my tights. After that, I put on a studded faux leather jacket knowing it will definitely look good on me but I will still fit it to see I have the good size. I nod pulling on my own clothes before heading to the checkout where Lilly is waiting for me with like ten pieces of clothing in her hands. 'Mate is paying.' She smirks happily. I roll my eyes at her and I pay for my clothes before walking with Lilly by my side out of the store. 'You are so boring to shop with!' She says and I laugh. 'Thanks, Dude.' I say and she looks at me deadpanned.

After our little walk, we go to Bath & Body Works. 'Omygosh!' Lilly yells practically running away to some new bath bombs she wanted to try and I laugh at her. I get some bath bombs and a conditioner and shampoo with coconut before buying them at the checkout. Lilly pays to and already has like four bags of things she has bought out of the two stores we've been through.

After another hour of shopping, I realize two boys have been following us the whole time. 'Lilly Don't look but these two guys are following us. They smell like vampires.' I say through the mind link and she looks at me skeptically. Since I am an alpha I can mind-link everybody. Even if they aren't in my pack. 'Didn't you had a vampire attack a couple of days ago?" She whispers in my ear and I nod. 'Mike, Daniel. Send some pack warriors to the East Bound Mall. There are vampires following us.' I say through the link of me and the boys. 'Jesus Christ stupid vampires.' Daniel mutters angrily in my head and I smile knowing he really hated them.

Pulling Lilly into a shop that is called; Lux dresses, we are greeted by a huge rack of dresses with an old lady hanging a dress in a free spot. 'Hello, ladies!' The woman says enthusiast and I smile at her. 'Hey.' Lilly says before walking towards her size of dresses.

I look around my sizes and I spot a beautiful Black and Blue dress. It has a black top flowing down into a blue long skirt. The back is slightly open with random straps all over and glitters making it even more perfect. 'Hell yes.' I Mumble taking the dress into my hands.

'Charls!' I hear Lilly yell through the store and I wince

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'Charls!' I hear Lilly yell through the store and I wince. She comes running towards me, big happy grin on her face, with a dress in her hands. It is a green dress that matches with her eyes. It has a heart-shaped neck and a sating top. At the front and side, there are beautiful green flowers and she has a flared skirt that is the same color green as the top.

 At the front and side, there are beautiful green flowers and she has a flared skirt that is the same color green as the top

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'That is a nice dress, Lilly!' I say and she smirks nodding. Suddenly she starts staring at my dress with big eyes. 'What? It is too much isn't it..' I say trailing off and Lilly begins laughing and suddenly hugs me. 'If boys would see you in this dress they would have a boner straight away.' he says and I begin laughing. 'What... It is true.' She says and I roll my eyes at her. 'Those are one of my best dresses girls!' The old woman in the store says to us while walking towards us. 'Thank you! It is for the biggest birthday ever!' Lilly says overexcited and the woman laughs. She takes the dresses from us putting them in a cover. 'How much?" I ask her taking my credit card out of my wallet. 'Don't bother paying alpha. Just get those vampires away from my store before they will do harm to people here.' He says and Lilly and I both freeze. 'Don't worry girls. My husband is a werewolf so I know those things.' She says and I smile at her. 'We will...' I say reading her name card. 'Ilse! Thank you so much for the beautiful dresses.' I say and she pulls me in a tight hug. Jesus this woman is strong. Even for a human.

After saying goodbye to Ilse we walk out of the store feeling the vampire's eyes follow us. We walk to a nearby restaurant. 'I will get food and make sure no human is close by.' Lilly whispers into my ear and I nod taking a seat at a table.

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