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Charlie POV:

As I cry Into Layla her shoulders she rubs me over my back lowly with her flat hand trying to calm me down. I stare at the wall and I feel nothing anymore. How can I cry when I don't feel shit? 'Mike didn't try to scare you.' Layla says and I look up and I slowly nod before she helps me on the bed. 'I will be right back.' She says and she walks out of the room. 'It is your own fault.' His voice bounces through my head and I shake my head. 'You are worthless.' His voice says again and I push my hand up to my ears to stop the ringing and the voices. 'Leave me alone!" I yell and I feel my body shaking. 'You should kill yourself.' His voice says and I begin breathing harder and harder as the second pass by. 'Charlie Breath!' A male voice says and I look up to see James staring at me with his arrogant smirk. 'No!' I scream before everything gets dark.

'She just went crazy and began screaming when she saw me.' A male voice says. 'She has trauma from what James did to her. It is understandable that she sees James everywhere.' Layla says and I slowly open my eyes. 'You should get out of the room. She is waking up.' Layla says and I hear a door open and close. 'Charlie.' I hear Layla say and her face appears above mine. 'Wha-.' I try to say but I cough as my dry throat begins to hurt even more. 'Here is some water.' Layla says and she helps me sit up. She gives me a bottle of water and I slowly drink from it. 'You got a panic attack.' She says and I nod. 'What happened exactly?' she asks and I stare at her dryly. I shake my head slowly and she sighs before filling something in on a paper. 'You need a lot of rest to heal and to communicate normally I will have to recommend you to go see a therapist.' She says and I look at my hands. 'Worthless.' His voice sounds through my head and I ball my fists.  

'Does your wolf talk to you?' Layla asks after a couple of hours of leaving me alone. I shake my head and I keep staring at the wall. 'Mhh.' She sighs and she walks around. 'You haven't eaten anything.' She says giving a look towards the soup she gave me earlier. I stare at her not saying a thing and she tries to lay her hand on my shoulder but I flinch away. 'I need to do one more test with you.' She says and she takes a strange thing in her hand and takes some gel before putting it on my tummy. I try to flinch away but she gives me a stern look so I lie still on the bed. She looks at a screen and suddenly she growls. She takes the strange thing away and puts my hospital gown good. I put my arms around my knees and she looks at me with sympathy.  'Charlie... You are... Pregnant.' She says and I feel myself shaking even more. 'You will never be a good parent.' His voice says and I dig my nails into the flesh of my legs.

'Charlie?' Layla asks and she stares at me with worried eyes. I will be getting a child... From James? What the actual fuck... 'You alright?' She asks again and I nod. 'Do you wanna stay in your own room?' She asks and I nod as she helps me stand up. I take one step and my legs already give up on me letting me crash into the ground. 'I will get you a wheelchair.' Layla says with a sigh before walking out of the room. 'Failure.' His voice says and I stare at the ground. Layla comes walking in with a wheelchair and she helps me into it before rolling me to my room.  Pack members stare at me with pity in their eyes and I stare at the ground. Layla growls and they walk away fast. 'I will bring you some food after this.' She says and I nod not really listening to her. As she rolls me into my room she helps me get into my bed. 'I will be right back.' She says and I nod again staring at the wall.

'You are worthless.' I know. 'You will never be a good mother.' Yes. 'Just kill yourself already.' I want to. 'Everyone hates you.' Yep

After a couple of minutes, Layla comes walking in with a tray filled with some soup and some bread and I stare at is lifeless. 'I want this to be eaten before I will check on you.' She says tight and I nod. She sighs deeply and she walks out of the room shutting the door behind her. I stare at the food and I shake my head before I swing my legs off my bed and standing up slowly. This time my legs don't fail me and I slowly walk into my bathroom. I  pull off the hospital gown and put on some jogging pants and a T-shirt.

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