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GARRETT MICHAELS pictured above. Enjoy.


Walking through the door to my dorm never felt so good. I leaned against the wall and slowly used my other foot to slowly peel off my shoes, feeling every muscle in my legs groan. How was I to know that a kickboxing class would be so... demanding. I rolled my eyes and laughed at myself. Of course it would be demanding, its freaking kickboxing. What was I thinking?

I slowly pushed off the wall and headed towards my bed. It seemed a lot farther away than normal. Each step, I winced but got a little closer. DONT BE DRAMATIC! I told myself. I knew my body wanted to fall to the ground and curl up into a ball, but I willed myself to make it to the bed first. Once my bottom made contact onto the bouncy mattress, I sighed. Touchdown!

I barely got my eyes closed when I heard a squeal beside me, and then the bed dipped down.

"Lily!" I felt Sam's hands grip my shoulders. Please leave me alone. Maybe if I don't move, she'll give up. I hear her huff beside me, and then she slowly removes herself from my bed. That was much too easy. Trying not to move, I slowly open one eye and look for any signs of life nearby. Wrong move.


Sam's body collided into mine and her feet went over her head as she scorpion dived onto me. Oof. I felt the air escape my mouth. We were both still for a second before erupting into laughter.

"Sam that hurt." I laughed painfully. My body was aching terribly from the earlier activities. She slid her slender body over and leaned against the headboard. I forced myself to mimic her moves, turning my face to look at her. My roommate was gorgeous. She had long blonde hair that you didnt need a flat iron for. She was thin, and if I'm honest a little too thin, but her eccentric personality drew your attention away from her figure. She had the smile that could light up the world, and the lips to match. She was your typical party girl, and everyone loved her. I envied her unfaltering confidence.

"Oh hush Lily. We have a party to attend tonight and this time, you're not saying no." Sam said pointedly. I rolled my eyes and huffed. No way did I want to go to a party, let alone get out of bed.

"Sammy," I tried, letting my lower lip poke out a little bit. "I promise I'll go to the next one." I had hoped using her nickname would soften her up, but nope. She stood her ground this time and crossed her arms over her chest like a boss.

"You have literally two hours to get ready, or else you're leaving the house like that." She eyed my workout clothes and laughed, "Darlin' no guy wants to make out with you lookin like that." Her southern drawl was stronger than usual today. I cocked an eyebrow at her as she flicked her wrists at me, shooing me off the bed. It wasn't like I wanted a guy to make out with me anyways. There was no time for men. None. I had zero interests in sticking my tongue down someone's throat.

I had been down that road only once, and vowed never to do it again. I knew it was naive to think I'd never date again, but honestly I was in no rush. My whole world crumbled at the thought of Ben. We had split up two years ago, right before I left for my first semester here at UCLA. Everything had been perfect, He was perfect, or so I thought. Looking back now, the signs were all there, but I was too invested in being the perfect girlfriend. I wanted everything to be perfect, I was way too wrapped up in him. Maybe that's why I was blindsided when he brought another girl over, just to rub it in my face that he wasn't in love with me anymore. Oh God, I can still see it all so clearly. Her fingers laced with his, standing at my front door. It shook me too my core.

My brother Jacob beat the shit out of him, right there in front of me and his new girl. I couldnt look away; honestly didn't want to. I was so devastated that I wanted him to hurt, like I was. I enjoyed it, as sick as it was I didn't want Jacob to stop, and he almost didn't. Ben was in the hospital for almost a week.

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