"I saw Alwynn with another boy at the store," Vant muttered through gritted teeth, "they were kissing," control, Vant reminded himself, there's no need to lose it.

"He's allowed to be with other men, Vant, you haven't claimed him, have you? I understand it's hard for you, having feelings for him and all, but unless you outright tell him, he's likely to get with other men."

"Doesn't mean I have to like it," Vant murmured sullenly, hoping he didn't sound too much like a sulking teenager.

"Of course, it doesn't. As I said, I know it's hard for you, I've been through this too. Don't you remember the two years I knew Oak before we got together? He had other girlfriends during that time, each of which I wanted to rip to shreds. You stopped me, you told me exactly what I'm going to say to you. You have no right to be angry over someone you haven't claimed and marked, you receive that right when you tell them how you feel. That's your reward," Vant sighed, not appreciating his own sayings being used against him, despite understanding that Eternity was speaking sense.

"I don't want to scare him off," Vant admitted quietly, feeling his fangs retract as his emotions were restrained, watching the same happen with Eternity.

"Why do you think that would happen? Even if you somehow can't see what that boy feels for you, we all can. For God sake, Vant, when he first laid eyes on you he got an erection, we could all smell it," the corners of Vant's mouth twitched, what an amusing little sentence, rather his children could detect the sudden rush of blood, it didn't matter the destination.

"I'm a lot older than him, a relationship between us wouldn't be a walk in the park. For one, his parents definitely wouldn't approve," Vant sat up, shifting Eternity so she perched on his lap instead, her hands clasping over his.

"Vant, you're a vampire who has lived on this earth far longer than many other living beings around here, no relationship with you would ever be a walk in the park. Trust me, I have first-hand experience in that department," Eternity smiled compassionately, "you've never cared about parental consent before, what's caused this change in character?"

"As much as Alwynn acts like his parent are such a burden, I know he loves them, and I'm sure it would be really difficult for him to leave them on bad terms. I don't want to be the cause of any more conflict between them, not if I can help it anyway?"

"So you're just going to put yourself through hell instead? That's the option you're choosing Vant. You prefer hell over a little familial dispute?" Vant sighed, knowing his daughter had a point. In refraining from admitting to Alwynn his true feelings, he was invoking his own primal instincts, reverting back to that unpredictable, rage-filled beast he once was. When, instead, he could just confess to Alwynn what he wanted, lay his card on the table and let the boy play his hand. If he left the decision up to Alwynn, he, once again, had no right to let out the monster he constantly battled.

"I don't want to fuck up another relationship, Eternity, I don't want another kid. I've ignored any feelings I've had for humans for nearly a millennium... I don't think I can keep that up with Alwynn," Vant's gaze drifted elsewhere, flittering over the mess he had made of his office, a mess he would be fixing alone.

"So don't. I know it feels like you've tried everything over the years but maybe our relationships just weren't meant to be, maybe we were destined to be family, not spouses. I've told you I can sense a difference in your feelings for Alwynn, you won't know anything for sure unless you try," Vant smiled feebly, Eternity did always offer the best advice out of all of his children, "now when was the last time you fed? You know that worsens your moods and that other coven leader should be here any minute, you don't want to start some unnecessary argument."

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