Satisfied pt.4

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"Hi Lance" I say, looking down at my feet. Lance is standing in front of me, in my doorway. I invited him over to chat about this whole situation.

"Can I come in Katie?" He asks, making me realize that we've been standing in silence for the last minute. I look up at him and smile through the pain of knowing that this boy has my heart.

"Sure, would you like anything to drink?" I ask, turn around and start walking towards the lounge room, Lance behind me.

"No thank you. I really just want to talk. I need to set some things straight Katie, I--"

"Lance, just please sit down." I chuckle, sitting down on the sofa. He smiles at me, taking a seat next to me. I take a closer look at him, noticing the slight bags under his eyes, the small amount of stubble that has grown over the past week I presume, and the fiddling of his fingers.

"I really messed up Katie." He begins, looking directly at me. I feel my eyes start to tear up, sadness bubbling up inside me.

"You really did Lance. You made me feel so helpless. I felt like such a bitch, secretly in love with my best friend's boyfriend, calling myself a bad person because of it." I speak, tears starting to escape my eyes, one by one. I notice Lance's eyes start to tear up as well, as his posture lowers slightly, and leans closer to me although we are on opposite sides of the couch.

"I don't know what I was thinking or doing. All I know is that I am desperately in love with you, and I didn't know what to do about it. I felt like you were so above my league, and that you could never even fathom liking a loser like me. Allura knew this, and she helped me become noticed by you, but I didn't think it would hurt you this much. I hate myself for hurting you Katie, and I promise I will never do something so selfish again." He whispers, tears flooding from his eyes as he stares into my soul. My lips tremble at the rising emotion in my throat, causing it to become dry.

"I thought you were the one out of my league. I thought you were some star, who is handsome and a complete sweetheart, and I could never even think of what it was like to be with you, because I thought you would never like me back." I express, adjusting my sitting position. Lance closes his eyes, his face scrunching up as more tears fall. Suddenly he stands up, closes the distance between us and wraps his arms around me.

I begin to sob softly into his shoulder, my arms wrapping around him, scrunching up the back of his shirt, desperately trying to hold onto something.

"Katie, I really love you. I promise I do. And I promise to love you forever." He tells me, holding me tightly, sobbing. I pull my head from his now tear stained shirt, and look up at him. I see the raw pain and emotion that is held in his soul. 

"I love you Lance." I tell him, wiping the tears from his eyes. He only begins to cry more, as do I. He presses his forehead against mine, closing his eyes. 

After a few minutes, we both calm our hysteria. We breath in a steady rhythm, in sync with each other. My grip on him has loosened, as his had on me. I smile.

"Katie, please be my girlfriend?" Lance questions, opening his eyes and focusing them on mine. I giggle, pressing a kiss against his cheek.

"Of course, you doofus" He laughs, leaning in to press our lips together. The kiss is innocent, simple and as spectacular as I could have ever imagined. I feel the sparks that I've been yearning for, and I know that he has been too. I pull back, smiling brightly at him.

"Now let's go kick some theatre ass"

Hi, so I have come back. 

I honestly don't know what I'm doing on WP, I have been unmotivated and just all around uninterested in writing lately. I also have started to really study for my final year of school next year, and have been doing exams and musicals and plays that are taking up so much time.

I want to thank everyone who has ever read this book, and is interested in my stories. It means a lot.

I don't know what I'll do with this account and all my stories, but I do know that I really want to get back into it.

WP has been the one thing that I do without anyone. It's always been my thing, and none of my friends are on here or anything, so it's always been a special, almost secret place where I can be as stupid and adventurous as I can.

I don't know how often I'll update my books or anything, but just know that I am still here, and I still appreciate every comment, vote and read of my stories. 

And now it's my turn to actually supply you guys with the goods that I've deprived you of.

I think I want to start my own book, and maybe set a once a week update time, because I feel like that might keep me motivated.

Tell me what you guys would like to see, whether it be a fanfic or an original, because trust me, I have a lot up my sleeve!

I love you guys so much, stay positive, stay beautiful!

Love Z

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