Meeting The Family - Pt1

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"Lance, what if they don't like me?" I hear my girlfriend of 3 years, Katie, ask me. We are currently driving down the highway to my parent's house. They have been desperate to meet her since I told them about our relationship about 2 years ago, and I am finally taking her. She has been very nervous to meet them.  We are going to be staying with them for a few days.

"They'll love you baby, don't worry" I reply, bringing her small hand to my lips and kissing it softly. She smiles whilst nervously tucking a piece of her short caramel hair behind her ear. I laugh at her nerves, trying to suppress my own. Truth is, I am very nervous about my family meeting my love. They are all a bit stubborn and I am scared that they will give her a hard time.

"Just be the amazingly intelligent, sarcastic, wonderfully kind person you are and they won't have a choice" I say to her, earning a small laugh. 

~Time Skip, brought to you by the beautiful, rude, sarcastic, sassy soul that is Yuri Plisetsky~

Pidge and I are standing in front of my family house with our bags, prepping ourselves for the weekend we are about to endure. We share one last kiss for good luck, before I quickly knock on the door. I hear footsteps and yelling, aka the usual, before the door is swung open to reveal my mother. 

"Lancey~!!" She shouts, pulling me into an extremely tight hug. I hug her back. I get my looks from my mum. She passed down her tan skin, brown hair and facial features to me, but I got my blue eyes from my dad.

"Hey mama" I reply with a laugh as she lets go of me. She then turns to my girlfriend and her smile widens. 

"Oh she's adorable Lance! Look how tiny she is!" My mum says looking at her, before wrapping her in a death hug. Pidge's face has gone completely red and I laugh at the interaction. My mum then puts her back down.

"I'm Camilla, Lance's mother. Oh I have so many pictures of that boy of yours to show you! Come in, Lance and I can teach you how to make Lance's favourite dinner, so you can make it for him at home! Oh and you have to meet the whole family!" My mum drags on as she walks inside the house. I look down at Katie's face, which is an image of pure confusion. I laugh and peck her cheek. I take her hand and we walk inside.

"Here, you'll be staying in Lance's old room, so you can go put your things in there. The family will all be here in about half an hour" My mama says, leading us through the house. I let all the nostalgia flood my system. I smile at all the sweet memories of my childhood. Katie's eyes scan the room. I lead her through to my old bedroom. I swing the door open, stepping into the blue room. My mum walks over to the kitchen, leaving us. I put down my bags and look over at my girlfriend.

"Well, I think it could be more blue" Pidge says sarcastically. My mouth hangs open in fake shock. She smirks at me.

"Well, I think so too!" I say, quickly wrapping my arms around her waist before flopping backwards onto the bed. She lets out a squeal of surprise as we hit the soft surface. I start laughing, when an idea pops into my head. When she looks back up at me, her innocent yet mischievous eyes glaring at me. Welp, I think she will hate me even more after this. Oh well. I place my hands on her waist, before I start tickling her. She lets out another squeal before she burst out laughing.

"Lance-ha- sto-sto-p-ha~" She manages to get out in between her hysterical laughter. I stop tickling her, pulling her closely and wrapping my arms around her body. She calms down, closing her eyes. I nuzzle face into the crook of her neck. I feel her fingers running through my hair.

"I love you baby~" I whisper to her, almost as if it's a secret. But it's really not. I am very expressive when it comes to my feelings for Pidge. She giggles, kissing the top of my head.

Plance/Pidgance One Shots *REQUESTS OPEN*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें