Long Distance

439 20 5

"Lance!" I hear my mothers voice at my door. I sigh, getting up out of my comfortable bed to answer the door. I swing open the door to be greeted with the face of my loving mother. She smiles at me, holding out a small plate to me. It had a small piece of cake on it.

"I know you're missing your love my boy, so I made you a bit of your favourite vanilla cake" I smile lightly at my mother as she hands me the plate. She smiles sympathetically at me, giving me a quick peck on the forehead, rubbing my arm.

"Maybe give her a call, see what she's up to. Just talk to her for a bit" She suggests. I nod at the idea, satisfying her a bit. She smiles before walking away, presumably back to the kitchen. I sigh, closing my door again. 

I have been missing Katie a lot. It is my birthday in a few days, and I am just upset that she can't make it. Something about having important exams, which I do understand, but that doesn't make me any less upset. She has been really busy studying, so I haven't been able to call her for the last few days. And it doesn't help that I've just gotten over a nasty cold.

She is studying Computer Science at a University which is around 6 hours away from where I live, back in her home town. She is still living at home, just for the course of her university course. Then we plan to get an apartment together, once we've both finished. I am so proud of her for doing what she's doing, but the distance between us drives me crazy. We met online 2 years ago, and we've been dating for just over a year now. We usually spend our holidays together, either I fly to her or she flies to me. 

I open my laptop, clicking on the Skype and checking if she is active. She is. I smile a little, immediately clicking on the video call button. I listen to the familiar Skype call tune, and after a few seconds, she accepts the call. I hear a small rustling, wrapping the blanket further around myself.

"Hey baby" I smile at the beautiful girl on the other side of the camera. She looks a bit tired. Her hair is tied up into a messy ponytail, and she's just wearing her university sweater jumper. She smiles back at me.

"Hi Lance, how are you? Are you still sick?" She asks me, adjusting the camera angle. I love her too much.

"I'm okay, just getting over it. I miss you so much" I tell her, eating a piece of the cake. She smiles at me, but I can tell she is also a little upset.

"I miss you too babe" She tells me, smiling softly at the screen.

"I'm so sorry I can't be there for your birthday" Katie says, frowning lightly. I shake my head, dismissing her guilt.

"It's fine, I understand that you have your exam to do. Just let me know when you are finished with it" I tell her, smiling. Her caramel eyes are shining in the light that I assume is coming from her window. 

"I can't wait for you to get my present" She says, shaking a small box in her hand, wrapped in a light blue wrapping paper. I laugh at her silliness as she makes faces at me. She really knows how to cheer me up. I can't wait to see her, even if it is in 6 weeks. 

"I can't wait to open it" I respond, just staring at her. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. She is putting away a few books, before returning her attention to me. When she notices my gaze, she just smiles back, not bothering to say anything in response to it. She just watches me, that smile never leaving her face. How did I get so lucky?

"Lance did you fi--" My mother walks into the room, but stops in her tracks when she sees the girl on my laptop. She beams immediately, walking over to me.

"Hello Katie dear! How are you doing?" She asks, making Katie giggle slightly. Oh god, her giggle. I swoon, feeling myself fall in love with this girl once again.

"I'm doing great Camilla, how are you?" She asks in response. And soon my girlfriend and mum are launched into conversation, as if they are old friends. My mother absolutely adores Katie, and always makes it a point to tell me to not screw it up with her, which I could never imagine happening. I don't think I could live without Katie in my life, she's too precious to me.

"Oh well, I better let you two talk a bit more! But it was lovely chatting Katie! Study hard, make me proud!" My mother says before waving to Katie. Katie bids her goodbye, before turning her attention back to me.

"It seems as though you like my mum more than me huh?" I tease, smirking at her. She returns the smirk, shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm only dating you to have an awesome mother-in-law" She tells me, causing me to burst out laughing. She starts laughing with me, wiping a small tear from under her eyes. 

She is absolutely perfect to me.

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