Day #2- A Little Lamb

Começar do início

"Mr. Tredder, sire. I'm Prion Gradrow.  Ms. Coral informed you that I am escorting you to her place on Alcott Grove 574 East Side." His baritone voice was very deep, mine barely deeper than his.  I never thought I'd meet anyone with a deep voice as mine.

Alcott Grove East Side?!  That's fifty miles outside of Los Angeles, near the mountains... It runs off into the highway from the old Alcott Street.  "Yes, she did." I answered and he held out his hand.  I shook it and took notice of his particularily firm and strong grip, which I returned in equal gesture.

"Delight to meet you, sire.  Now shall we go forward?"

I almost lifted my eyebrow at Mr. Gradrow's formal niceties then realized it was genuine.  I gave a curt nod before answering, "We shall."

He nodded in return before turning and walking about twenty feet down the street towards a... Moccasin Chainer 2124!  I recognized it right off the bat.  It was a new model that hadn't even been released in the USDA yet.  It had magnetic wheels with twice the charge as the previously made chainers and ran on steam. Of course, the old chainers in 2117 ran on steam, but the new models ran much cooler.  I had been a mechanic in the earlier stages of my manhood and had worked with the chainers that didn't run on steam.  I wasn't partial to them, but I had to have them.  The steam chainers cost was more than my life income.  So it would be wrong to say I wasn't amazed.  I shouldn't have been... It was Ms. Coral's bodyguard probably, for Pete's sake.

The door hissed open while Mr. Gradrow turned off all the alarms.  Before I even sat in the chainer I could smell the leather seats and the chrome finish, a high class green glossy sheen on the inside and outside of the vehicle.  Damn...

I generally didn't like cars, caras, or chainers, but there was something otherwordly, ethereal about sitting in this new model.  I couldn't put my finger on it...

"The engine runs on crystal." Mr. Gradrow said.

I widened my eyes at that.  "Crystal?  That's not part of the model's design.  I did research."

He pressed a button, one of probably one hundred, and the doors hissed shut, the alarms back in place again.  He looked at me with stern eyes and a slight bit of amusement played at his lips.  "It's not.  The chainer is custom programmed."

Custom programmed?  Even more expensive!

"You'll love it even more when you see this." He said with a small smile.

I simply waited while the pressurized magnet belts activated, suctioning my body slightly towards the firm leather seat.  A few silent seconds passed until the ignition was turned on and the very silent murmur of the vehicle came into hearing.  Suddenly everything went dark and silent... then there was a steady wind chime like tune while my whole body felt a slight tingling chill.

"Mr. Gradrow?" I asked and my voice echoed loudly.

"Yeah?" he answered, his voice echoing as well.

"What the hell did you just do?"

"Went through hyperspeed."

"What!  That's imposs-" I didn't finish my sentence.  The light of day was returned and my breath came out in a harsh gasp as I looked around.   Everything appeared normal, Mr. Gradrow was right as rain, and outside the plastic windows of the chainer was the furious blizzard.

Dawn's Razor (Editting)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora