Author's Preface

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This story is an "in between writer's block" story.  So my updates will be slow.  I thought I would finally write my 2nd most intense thriller story and enjoy it at a slow pace.  But don't let that deter you from enjoying it with a bit of impatience. [:


Author's Preface:

In my experience of science fiction writing I tend to stray from a firm plot.  This time my story will be much easier to follow and hopefully much more action-filled, suspenseful, and contain a plot that will quickly build up in speed and not lose its' substance.

I will be narrating in first person as a man who has been numbered in Earth society, just like everybody else.  I appreciate any instructive criticism, flames, and analyzation of even the smallest sort.  I want to improve the flow and character development in my stories and don't want to bland.  Also, I try to spell and use good grammar as much as possible.

Don't be afraid to comment, vote, or tell me your ideas for the story.  This is not a completely 'pre-ordained' book. At then end of chapter 5 there will be a contest where one of my reviewer's characters will be put in the book and credited solely to that user. [:

Anyways enjoy my sci-fi/thriller and sweet tidings!

|Annie Angel|

Dawn's Razor (Editting)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora