Chapter 13

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[Beauty and Grace made the group chat: we're gonna tell her]

[Beauty and Grace added Perseaus, Monarachel, and Smarter than you]


Monarachel: sorry Perce


Beauty and Grace: that'd be fun to watch!

Smarter than you: ?

Smarter than you: what's happening here

Perseaus: NOTHING

Smarter than you: tell me what

Monarachel: today a girl started hitting on Percy

Smarter than you: oh

Perseaus: I can hear her fucking sharpening her sword in the living room

Smarter than you: I'm sharpening my pencil, Percy

Perseaus: oh my gods she's gonna stab the girl with a pencil

Beauty and Grace: so Percy and Rachel and I were walking around camp Jupiter with our coffee and whatnot

Beauty and Grace: and a girl comes up to Percy

Monarachel: she wouldn't stop flirting with him

Perseaus: I swear to the gods I was so uncomfortable

Beauty and Grace: she goes "Valentine's day is coming up and i need a bae"

Monarachel: wanna know what Percy told her?

Perseaus: oh gods

Smarter than you:probably something stupid

Beauty and Grace: "well you need to find the shore"

Monarachel: get it? As in bae and bay?

Perseaus: it was funny tho

Smarter than you: Seaweed brain that's the lamest joke I've ever read

Perseaus: Wise girl i can hear you giggling

Smarter than you: stfu babe

Beauty and Grace: ANYWAYS

Monarachel: she gets really close to Percy

Monarachel: and she offers him bed pleasure

Perseaus: I'm still extremely disgusted she suggested we fucked even afterI told her I had a girlfriend

Beauty and Grace: I love how Rache just calls it bed pleasure instead of sex

Beauty and Grace: both of us aretoo grossed out by the fact that people actually find Percy attractive enough to have sex with him

Smarter than you: Rachel used to fantasize about jumping on that D a few years ago

Monarachel: anyways,,

Perseaus: ANYWAYS

Monarachel: and then this one girl shows up and goes "what the fuck are you cheating on me with the Neptune kid"

Beauty and Grace: it was a mess after that tbh

Monarachel: we watched those two fucking fight in public

Monarachel: the girl who was being almost cheated on got fucking pissed (don't blame her)

Beauty and Grace: but then they started making out and they just left

Monarachel: just disappeared

Beauty and Grace: just

Beauty and Grace: gone

Monarachel: then we got cookies

Beauty and Grace: the end

Smarter than you: this was wild start to finish

Perseaus: how sharp is the pencil

Smarter than you: sharp enough to stab a bitch or two

Monarachel: oh my fucking gosh Anna

Smarter than you: anyone who calls me Anna is gonna get stabbed by my pencil

Perseaus: Anna you're so cute

Smarter than you: idk whether to thank you or to stab you with the pencil

Beauty and Grace: both

[heroes of olympuns]

[smarter than you changed the group chat name to: "just stabbed a bitch"]

Save the environment, fuckers: w h a t

Perseaus: don't worry it was with a pencil

Save the environment, fuckers: yknow what

Save the environment, fuckers: I'm just

Save the environment, fuckers:not gonna ask

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2019 ⏰

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