Chapter 5

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[disclaimer: Did you know that Juno went by the name June in Son of Neptune? But even though I have the same nickname as a character in the riordanverse, I still don't own the riordanverse.]

Perseaus: ok so I just learned today that Will is bi and not gay so everyone just tell me your sexualities now so I don't assume shit

Smarter than you: I'm bi

McPiper: same

Spooky scary skeletons: gay

Perseaus: Wait Annabeth you're bi?

Smarter than you: I've liked people before you yknow

Monarachel: I don't do labels

Sparky sparky: straight

Save the environment, fuckers: I'm a hetero ace

Perseaus: the more I know

McPiper: this is pretty much an lgbt+ squad at this point almost non of us are 100% straight

Sparky sparky: umm excuse me babe but I'm still here?

Perseaus: She said almost

Sparky sparky: fair

Smarter than you: what about you seaweed brain

Perseaus: I'm big gay but also i love my girlfriend

Perseaus: I'm bi lol

Perseaus: but how is will not gay

Spooky scary skeletons: he dated this girl before he started dated me

Spooky scary skeletons: don't remember her name

Sparky sparky: what was it, Candy? Carly? Caddie?

Save the environment, fuckers: Cassie

Spooky scary skeletons: but she's a bitch and no one needs to see her and she could go die for all I care

Sparky sparky: wow someone's pissed

Smarter than you: Seaweed brain was I like this when you told me about Rachel and Calypso?

Perseaus: yup and yup

Smarter than you: f u c k

Spooky scary skeletons: why is Voldemort so damn ugly

Spooky scary skeletons: I've seen zombies and ghosts and people who came back from the dead but nothing looks as bad as that egg


Monarachel: do you think you know who used to complain to Bellatrix about his looks

Save the environment, fuckers: "you look fine sir!" "I LOOK LIKE AN EGG BELLATRIX"

Smarter than you: how do you guys manage to change topics so quickly and weirdly and easily without even breaking a sweat

Monarachel: with talent, immaturity, and our great need to forget all the suffering we've been through during the past two wars that we were involuntarily thrown in the middle of

Smarter than you: w o w

Perseaus: that got deep quickly

Save the environment, fuckers: umm

Spooky scary skeletons: wtf Rachel

McPiper: Rachel u ok?

Monarachel: I won't be ok until Voldemort looks less like an egg

Save the environment, fuckers: same

[sparky sparky is offline]

McPiper: we're too weird, talented, and emotionally scarred for Sparky lmao

Perseaus: also physically scarred

Perseaus: I have like 50 scars now

Perseaus: I got one just a bit above my private parts during one battle

Smarter than you: what kind of monster managed to give you a scar overthere

Save the environment, fuckers: a horny one

Monarachel: an Annabeth monster

Perseaus: stOp

Smarter than you: I hate you guys

McPiper: love you too bby:))

[smarter than you is offline]

Perseaus: aww Annabeth's blushing

McPiper: wait did she really give you that scar

Perseaus: wOuLdNt yOu wAnT tO kNoW

Spooky scary skeletons: I remember seeing a cyclops throw a rock at Percy and it hit him over there

Save the environment, fuckers: he wouldn't stop crying for hours

Perseaus: why do you guys love embrassing melike this

Monarachel: because it's fun

Perseaus: r u d e

[perseaus is offline]

McPiper: well I have a good amount of blackmail now

McPiper: au revoir my friends

[McPiper is offline]

Spooky scary skeletons: We should start an embarrassing Percy squad

Monarachel: I'm in

Save the environment, fuckers: I would love to join but I'm part of the Percy protection squad and Percy's my bro and I have to show at least a bit of respect

Save the environment, fuckers: eVeN iF hE dOeSnT sHoW mY rEeDpiPe pLaYiNg sKiLLs aNy rEsPeCt

Monarachel: someone's salty lmao

Save the environment, fuckers: :((

[save the environment, fuckers is offline]

Spooky scary skeletons: I'm gonna go ask will to join the squad

Monarachel: first squad meeting tomorrow atthis gc

Spooky scary skeletons: y e s

[monarachel is offline]

[spooky scary skeletons is offline]

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