5 | Sleuthing and Dogma

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I sit on my bed with my legs crossed, my laptop propped up against my right leg as I haunch over it

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I sit on my bed with my legs crossed, my laptop propped up against my right leg as I haunch over it.

My bedroom is dim. The door is closed. And I patiently await the call from my sister with information about a guy I barely know.

I can't help but shake a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's like the feeling you get when you think about a terrible thing you've done and you can't stop thinking about it; a terrible thing you're trying to hide from people in fear of what they'd think, but you have a sick feeling that people already know.

I don't understand the feeling. I don't understand why I'm feeling it. I don't know this guy. I just want to know who Frankie will be around. That's all. Nothing more than that.

I jolt at the sound of the FaceTime ring tone from my phone next to me.

I answer it and a picture of Frankie in the dark appears.

"I better not get in trouble for this," she hisses.

"You? Get in trouble?" I say incredulously. "Please. My sister Francesca is as sly as a fox. It'll take more than a call to her brother at eleven o'clock at night to get her in trouble."

"A phone call after curfew in a hospital where the nurses check on patients every hour?" Frankie tries. "You owe me one, brother."

"All in due time, sister."

I position myself to be comfortable. "We better be quick then. You got what I asked for?"

Frankie's face disappears from my phone screen. I can hear rustling in the background. She reappears a minute later.

"Okay, so don't freak out, but I hit a snag in my stalking," she admits.

I cringe. "Oh, god, don't call this stalking." I straighten just as suddenly. "What kind of snag?"

"Well, I actually don't know Oliver's last name."

It's too late to stop the irritated groan that escapes out of my mouth.

I hit my bed's backboard with a loud thud. "Frankie, you're in a hospital where hospital records are literally hanging off the end of beds. How have you not figured out his last name?"

"Hey, that's not fair!" a familiar, defensive high-pitched squeal slips from her lips and she slaps a hand over them.

She lowers her voice to a hiss. "I've only been here a week, Nick, and you're asking me to go snooping around a place I don't know for dirt on someone I've just met?"

When put into words out loud, it doesn't sound good—stalking a guy I don't know because of a gut feeling.

No, just seeing if the guy who is hanging out with my little sister is a jerk.

Yeah, that's all. Really, that's it.

"But I've made up for not knowing his last name," Frankie says.

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