Blue Denim

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   It hurts me to see all the hate that the band (specially Stevie) are receiving after Lindsey's surgery.
That's a moment to be grateful that he had all the assistance needed, and that he is recovering well.

              Tifani's POV
  It has been almost 2 months since Stevie went to the last Fleetwood Mac concerts before our girls are born, and I think it's weird to be in that giant house without her.
I'm 7 months pregnant, and I just got home from a doctors appointment with Emily, that is staying with me since she moved to LA to stay closer to Mick. "I can't believe that we are finally home, Em." I say and kick off my shoes, moaning in pleasure when I feel to cold hard floor under my feet.
"I can't believe that you're not going to go to the pool. It is literally a thousand degrees today, and we are inside, with that huge pool right there." She laughs and throws herself onto the couch.
"Go get dressed then... I will make you a caipirinha (Brazilian most famous drink)  and meet you at the pool. IT IS GOING TO BE OUR BEST DAY OFF EVER!" I yell and go upstairs to change.
  After I'm done changing into my swimsuit, I stare at my belly that has grown a lot. All the cuts from the bad days were there, as a reminder of how much my life had changed since then.  Tears of happiness are falling down my cheeks when the landline starts to ring, calling my attention. "Hello?" I say trying the hide my emotional voice.
"Hey babe, are you okay?" Stevie's voice makes my heart skip a beat, and I'm sure it's going to be like that our whole lives. "Tiff, is everything okay with our girls?" Stevie is worried, so I start to laugh.
"Everything is fine babe. These are happy tears... I was just staring at old scars on my body, and how they tell my story. Our story, Steph!" I'm crying again. "Ugh, I hate these pregnancy hormones... but anyway, how's your day hun?" She breathes heavily and I know that something is bothering her.
"I'm fine babe, I just miss you and I have a weird feeling about it." Stevie gets quiet for a a while and I know that something is bothering her.
"Steph, I love you!" I say and do not wait for an answer. "Now, you go rock and roll babe, that your daughters and I are going to the pool!!! We miss you, too."  "I love you, too babe. I always will." Stevie says and hangs up.
   I text Karen and tell her that Stevie was feeling lonely and a little sad, so she could be aware of that. Walking outside to the pool I see Em already drinking and reading a book. "I thought you had fallen asleep."
  We party a lot, swimming and dancing to our favorite hits. "Em, if someone had told that we would be here today, I would have laughed." I say and start to crack up.
"You're not the only one sis... I would never believe it, if someone told me that I would be dating Mick, and that you would be married Stevie Nicks... that is just so insane!" We are laughing and we decide that we are just going to order some pizza for early dinner, since it was just 4:30pm.
After we ate, Em and I are watching a movie when my phone starts to go off, and I see that my mom is calling. "Hey mom... is everything okay with daddy?" I ask, my guts feeling that something is wrong.
"Hey sweetie, daddy is fine. But are you on social media right now?"  She is trying to be calm, but it is stressing me.
"Mommy, what happened? You're making me nervous." "It's Lindsey sweetie. He had a open heart surgery, and things looked pretty bad! His wife just posted on social media! Please, remember that it is not your fault." My mom tries to keep talking, but I'm already gone. I try calling Karen, but there's not answer, so I leave her a message: "Hey Karen, I need you to call me as soon as you listen to this message! Love you."
Emily doesn't know what's going on, so she just pauses the movie and stares at me, while I try to move as fast as I can, with my belly on the way. "Tiff, can you tell me what's happening?" Emily shakes my arms and I just stare at her.
"It's Lindsey... the had an open heart surgery and things look pretty bad. I cannot just stay here. I need to talk to Stevie!" I start to cry, just thinking about how Stevie is feeling. "People are going to start blaming it on her, and on the rest of the band. She's devastated Em... we all know that she loves him." I can't control it, and I feel weak... my knees feel like jelly.
"Sis, are you okay? Do you want me to call your doctor?" She is by my side, holding my hand.
"No, but I want you to call the airport and buy me a plane ticket to Austin, TX." I say and slowly go upstairs.
   While I'm packing, I try calling Karen like a thousand times, never getting her to answer. 
After I'm done packing, I take a shower; trying not to think too much about Stevie, and focusing on my girls that are super agitated. "We are going to see mamma in a few hours, girls!" My thoughts are disturbed by the ring of my phone. "Hello? Karen?" I kind of yell, turning the shower off.
"Hey Tiff, how are you?" She sounds congested and I'm sure that she has been crying, too.
"I'm fine. But how's Stevie?" There's a silence in the other side of the line. "Karen Johnston. How is my wife?" I talk louder this time.
"She locked herself in the bathroom. She is not answering, but I can hear her sobbing... I'm taking care of her, honey." "Karen, I'm going to the airport right now. I need the hotel's address. Please, keep talking to Stevie... do not leave her alone. I'll call you as soon as I get there! Stay strong honey." I don't give Karen any time to answer, turning the phone off.
I finish packing and go down the stairs, a cold chill goes through my spine, making me remember the last time I did it. "Em, I am going to the airport now... I'll let you know when I arrive there!" She just nods and helps me to get in the Uber that is already waiting outside.
"I love you, Tiff. Give Mick a hug for me!" Emily blows me a kiss and watches as the car leaves the house.
The whole way to the airport is quiet and I am trying to not stress out too much because of my babies.
I go through the airport, find my gate and just wait for they to call my flight. Once I'm inside the plane, I text Karen, Emily and my parents, just to make sure that they know that I'm safe.
After the flight lands, I get a text from Karen with the hotel's address, so I grab my suitcase and in no time I'm on my way to the hotel...
Getting there, I tell the receptionist that my wife was waiting for me in the presidential suite, and they allow me to go in. 35 floors and my body feels nauseous, making me giggle at the fact that I will never get really used to elevators. When the doors open, I go down the hall to find the room 434, so I knock on the door. Karen opens it, and I can see that she had been crying, so I just hold her tight, feeling her body shakes as she sobs. "I'm so sorry Karen... he will be fine, and I'm here for you if you need me!" She look at me.
"Honey, I'm not crying because of him... I means, the whole situation is bad, but I am just so happy that you're part of this family!" She says and carries my bag, closing the door behind us.
"Where's my wife?" I look around, following Karen's finger that now points towards a double door.
I walk in to see Stevie's bed empty, then I follow to the bathroom. I can hear her sobs, so I just knock on the door. There's no answer, so I decide to open it, but it is locked... my heart starts to race, and for a moment I fear for her. "Stephanie Lynn, open the door now!"

Stevie's POV

Since Chris, Mick and John came to my room to tell me about what happened to Lindsey, and I lost my balance, still not believing that he was going through such a bad situation.
As a band, we decided to post just a plain comment about it, knowing that a lot of his fans would start to blame it on us after everything that happened.
I've been crying the whole day, and now I'm laying on the bathroom floor. Lindsey and I have been part of each other's lives since we were teenagers, we always had each other's backs, and I loved him. I will always do.
Karen is trying to make me open the door, but I just wanted Tifani to be here with me. She is the one that can keep my sanity and help me go through the hard times... everything is silent now, and I have no tears left to cry so I just stare at the ceiling, not wanting to think about what's going to happen, when someone knockdown at the door.
"Stephanie Lynn, open the door now!" I would recognize that voice anywhere. Tifani came to rescue me. I try to stand up, but I have no energy, tears are already falling down my face. "Babe, I'm here for you... everything is gonna be fine!" She is also crying, and I know that she had to swallow her ego to come here.
After a while I hear the door open, and I see Tifani standing there.  She looks stunning, her belly looks bigger than the last time I saw her, and before I can anything, she sits on the floor, her back against the big bathtub and I just crawl to her embrace.
We sit there, and I cry all the tears that I didn't even know I had... she doesn't say anything, just pats my hair while I lean my head against her belly and the feeling of my girls moving start to calm me down, so I just look up to Tifani and stare at her eyes. They are sparkling, dry mascara is all around them falling down her cheeks, but the thing that calls my attention is the love I can see in her green orbs... I move up close to her and give her a kiss, she wasn't expecting it but as soon as she realizes, she grabs my face and makes the kiss even deeper. I need to feel her. All her love.  "White Dove, make love to me." Tifani just looks at me, not knowing what to do. "I need you to make love to me. I need to feel your love!" I say and start to pull my dress up, Tifani helps me and she takes my bra off.
"Steph, are you sure? I don't want you to just do it because you're angry at yourself or anything like that." She looks worried.
"I wanna do it because I love you, I miss you and I really love the fact that you took a 2 1/2 hour flight being pregnant, just to make sure that I was okay!" I can see a smile show up on her face, then she begins to make love to me.
      Narrator's POV
After hours of love making, Stevie and Tifani we're now taking a bath, their bodies tangled like always. They looked through the window and it was already dark outside, and they felt like they were in their own love bubble, free from all the trouble that was waiting for them. "Even though I wish we could stay here forever, your daughters are hungry and I'm pretty sure that you are too Mrs. Nicks!" Tifani says and kisses her wife's forehead before leaving the bathtub and wrapping her body on a robe that was hanging there. Stevie laughs at the fad for that Tifani just wrapped herself on the robe and left the bathroom, going to look for food. She had changed so much since the day Stevie met her... all the therapy helped a lot, and Stevie was beyond proud her wife. After smiling to herself for a while, she decided to follow her lover.
Tifani goes through the huge room, going to the refrigerator, just to find a note attached to it:
   "Hey girls, I knew that once you stop having sex (I had to leave the room as soon as Stevie started to make a lot of noises- YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY MY TRAUMA TREATMENT BOSS- can you girls be less loud the next time?), and knowing that you will probably be hungry by now I made a reservation on the restaurant at the lobby!
  Have a great night, and be sure that I'm taking care of everything!
      All my love for my four girls,
                                        Auntie Karen.

Ps: Tiff, don't you dare to go home without really talking to me about my goddaughters."

"Stephanie, if you ever think about firing Karen I will hire her! That woman is a true genius." Tifani says and laughs. "Now, let's go eat!"
Stevie closes the door behind them, and they make their way into the restaurant, showing their love to whoever wanted to see.

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