.:.Thirty-Six Months Later.:.

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"Wren, Harry over here," a photographer captures our attention, "let's get a picture of the happy couple."

Harry holds onto to me as we smile for the camera.

Tonight we're at Horan and Rose, a charity event that Niall and his friend have put together. It was initially planned to be a one-time thing, but because of last year's fantastic success, they were more than happy to throw it again. It looks like this is going to become a yearly thing, and I'm just so proud.

"Well well well," We hear a very familiar voice come up from behind us, "isn't it fancy seeing you two here?"

"Louis!" I squeal, before nearly crushing him to death. "I haven't seen you in months! We weren't sure you were going to make it tonight."

"Of course I was! You know this is a cause near and dear to my heart. Plus you know..." He mumbles, "so are the people."

"What was that, Tomlinson?" Harry taunts him.

"That the cause is important to me."

"Nuh-uh. That last bit?"

He groans, "So are, some, of the people. Definitely not all."

"Uh huh..."

"Fuck you, Styles. But here, bring it in," He pulls Harry in for a hug.

I dramatically clutch my chest, "Oh, my Larry heart."

"Okay, way to ruin the moment Wrencess. Anyway, let's go grab a pint before dinner, hey? Catch up drink? I think I spot Liam over there already."

Harry nods enthusiastically, and I give him a quick peck before they take off to the bar. Watching them all grab their drinks, and Niall sneaking up behind them; I can't help but smile giddily at all of them being together.

The past two and a half years have been an absolute whirlwind. Yes, One Direction is still very on 'hiatus,' but they're taking over the world as individuals.

Louis has released a few singles, all of which are bops. On top of that, he's also been working on the production side of things with other artists and broadening his career in music. I still keep on asking him when he's going to chase his Broadway dreams... no concrete answer yet.

Liam's new music is so different from that of One Direction, and so very him. He's been doing a ton of promo lately, and it's been interesting to watch him perform with real choreography, and dancers. He's so extra on stage, and I love it.

Niall made the most incredible album that I've ever heard in my life. Plus his golf venture is exceptionally successful, and it's so cool that he gets to experience the best of both worlds. Nothing is better than watching your best friend accomplish all of his dreams.

Last, but most certainly not least, there's Harry. The man who I'm incredibly blessed to still call mine.

He's a movie star. He's a rock star. He's a model.

Our relationship was definitely tested a few times. During the filming of Dunkirk, he worked from sun up to sun down, and I was lucky if I heard from him once a day. It sucked, but we made it work somehow. I tried to take up exercising to keep myself busy, but I ended up breaking my wrist, so that was that.

But then shortly after, Harry hurt his wrist too. It was kind of cute to have matching injuries.

Not long after filming, he scurried off to Jamaica to work on his album. Niall and I were in LA working on his music, and well... that sucked too. Not wanting to disrupt Harry's creative process, I left him alone. It destroyed me, but I managed to carry on somehow.

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