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One Direction's arrival had gone very smoothly, and their first night has appeared to be a success. Nothing was out of place, and surprisingly they didn't have to call down for a single thing.

To say that we are all relieved is an understatement. Kathy had even sent out a sweet thank you email to everyone, inviting them to the break room for some celebratory cookie cake.

Of course, it was conveniently at the same time that she had assigned me to put together a sales presentation with a fast-approaching deadline.

No cookie cake for me.

Whatever, it's not like I need the extra calories.

I'm just hoping that the shock value of the band staying here was worn off amongst the staff, and I can get everyone back to our normal schedule. This week was busy before the megastars had booked us.

Not only do I have a conference that I'm overseeing for the rest of the week, I'm also expected to come in each morning at five to set up the band's breakfast. All of this is on top of my normal duties. I think any normal person would scream, but I'm not complaining too much. Being this busy takes my mind off of the things that normally plague my thoughts.

Who knew being buried under a pile of work could be so freeing?

"It should be illegal to be awake this early," Micah mutters as she turns on the stove.

"Under state law, we are supposed to get an eight-hour turn around between each shift. I couldn't leave here until well after eleven last night, and I'm already back at five in the morning. technically it is illegal for me to be awake. Not sure about you, considering you slipped out of here at five yesterday evening."

"Every single time I do anything extra for this place, a piece of my soul literally dissolves. I'm the catering manager, not a cook. How did I get roped into this?"

"We are all overbooked this week, so no sympathy. I'm only here because we can't spare a banquet server. Besides, considering that you never do anything extra, you should have plenty of soul to spare."

She gives me a quick glare before pulling down all of the pots and pans off the high shelf.

"Hey, the more time you spend in here, the less time you spend with Kathy. That must be nice."

"You do realize that they won't be here for another four hours, right? I'm not spending any less time with her, I'm just spending more time here."

"Ha. You're right. That sucks. I didn't even think of that."

Of course, you didn't.


"Don't you have anything better to do, Kevin? Like hmm... maybe go manage the rest of the property?" Asks a very annoyed Micah.

Kevin had come in early to help. By help, he means to stand in the way.

"I just wanted to check on you girls." He quickly replies while anxiously staring at the doors, clearly hoping that they would open so he can pounce on the band and their crew.

"Don't even lie, I know you are here to get a peek at the pop stars. Its eight thirty, and they haven't shown their faces yet. It's only been the crew so far. For all we know, the band ordered room service. Go away!"

I try not to laugh as I watch her shoo him out of the room.

"Well, okay. Just radio me if anything com-"

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