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"Alright, alright, everyone gather 'round!" Max announces as he raises paper cup full of stupidly overpriced champagne, "we've had one hell of a world tour, and it's officially finished!" Everyone applauds, and I laugh when I hear Niall and Louis cheering loudly. "So many unforgettable moments that we will all forever cherish. I love each and every single one of you. Boys, enjoy your well-deserved break. Hopefully, in about eighteen months, we'll all be together again. Cheers!"

"Oi oi!"


They had just finished their last concert, and it's been a whirlwind of emotions. I was almost too scared to come because I wasn't sure on how I would handle it. I don't like change, but unfortunately, I'll have to get used to it, because here in four short months, One Direction will (temporarily) be no more.

"Oh, my love," Kendra pulls me into a hug, "I'm so happy that we found you. You've been such a dear friend to me, and you're so good to Harry. After watching him being taken advantage of for so long, he's finally happy," Her words make almost make me choke up. "and you also rid me of Niall, for which I'll always be thankful."

Giggling through my tears, I thank her for being such an extraordinary friend to me.

She pats my shoulder, "Now don't cry. Perhaps we're just being a bit dramatic since we'll see each other in a week. It's just normally at the end of the final show, I always leave with some form of an itinerary for the next tour... But not this time."

"Well, at least we still have lots of promos to do, not to mention music videos..." I attempt to cheer her up, only make myself feel anxious when I remember just where they're filming the first one.

When Micah had told me that their management had booked a music video at The Maple, I hung up the phone because I was too busy for her jokes. Shortly after, I attended a meeting and found out that she was in fact not joking.

What makes it worse is that at that point, my house will not have any furniture, so I'll have to stay there. How... perfect.

I just can't wait to see my best friend, Kathy.

Kendra and I separate to make our rounds of goodbyes to the crew. There are just so many people that I've gotten to know, and its hard to imagine going off without them. Sure, there's a good portion of us that will be reunited next week, but there are still so many people to say goodbye to. Catering, the bus drivers, the sound and lighting crew, the technicians, and Max.

As if I'm in one of Harry's favorite chick-flick, a montage of memories fly through my head. So much has happened after I met these amazing people. I've learned so much about not only the outside world but about myself. I learned that family is who I choose it to be. I learned that I'm good enough. I learned that I actually can love again, despite the shit I went through.

I mean, most of that was through therapy, but I digress.

Then, there's Harry.

We've both have seen each other at our worst, and most vulnerable moments on this tour.

We have fallen in love on this tour.

Digging around in my purse, I find a tissue to blow my nose, and I do my best to will away the fresh tears that are trying to come out.

Come on, Wren. Get yourself together.

If this is how I'm acting right now, I'm not sure how I'm going to handle that dreadful day in December when they do their final performance.

I'm not ready.

Neither is the rest of the world.

"Wrenny Wren Wren, get your ass over here," Liam's voice immediately catches my attention. "Group hug!"

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