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++There's a bit of sensitive content in this chapter++

I obey Poppy's instructions and start piling things into my overnight bag so I can get out of here.

Splurging on an overpriced hotel room doesn't seem so bad now; it's better than being in a place where I'm not welcome.

Grabbing my things, I make my way downstairs and google a taxi service to call.

"Oh, are you making your way out?" Poppy asks in a fake-sweet voice, obviously putting on a show for Harry.

Eerily similar to how Oliver would act in front of company.

Harry's eyes widen, "You're leaving? Why?"

"Yeah, um... You guys should be alone right now, without me in the way."

Plus, Poppy told me to.

"Wren, don't go. I don't like the idea of you being alone in London... Niall's back tomorrow. Stay. We're fine."

Ah, he's playing the old 'I don't want you alone in a foreign city card,' as if Canada never happened.

"She's a grown woman, Harry. She doesn't need a man telling her what to do," Poppy tsks at him, "I thought you were a feminist.

"Poppy, did I say it's because she's a woman? I'm saying that because she's not from here."

"Guys, stop. It's fine. I'll be okay; I'm just going to go straight to a hotel. Nothing bad's gonna happen."

"You don't know that, Wren."

Poppy jumps in, "Do you already have a hotel booked? I can help find you one."

"No, I was going to reserve it in the cab."

"Don't spend a small fortune on a room when you can just stay here."

"I'm sure Niall pays her a very generous salary, Harry. She can probably cover a hotel room."

I shrug, "Yeah. So I'll see you tomorrow afternoon for our meeting at your guys' studio. Thank you so much for letting me stay here last night, Harry."

"Have a nice day, Wren!" Poppy waves at me.

I step outside, and Harry follows me, "Did she say something to you?"

Not wanting to start anything, I shake my head in response. "She's trying to recover... and you guys need your privacy."

"Please, don't feel obligated to leave because of her."

"I don't."

He frowns, "She's supposed to be with her family, and her doctors back home, not in London. I have no idea why she's here."

"Well, she loves you... and obviously missed you."

"Wren, s-she's kind of..." He pauses to think of an appropriate thing to say, "unstable right now, and I don't feel comfortable with it being just the two of us; stay for me?"

"But Harry..."

"Please, stay."

I give in, "Fine."

But I'm not gonna like it.


Even though I agreed to stay, my game plan has been to keep my presence as scarce as possible. Poppy's not exactly thrilled about this situation—but to be fair— neither am I.

From: Micah

WARNING! 🐶 is in London. Saw it on Twitter.

Set Free // HS ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt