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"Whenever I travel I always go out of my way to not use Winston Air," Louis tells me as the plane begins to descend.

"Why is that?"

After taking a sip of his beer, he answers, "Because fück Poppy, that's why."

"Louis," I scold. "That's beyond rude. She's really nice."

"I'm sorry, but have you met her?"

"I mean... she may have her moments, but she's not a bad person,"

Louis rolls his eyes, "Poppy Winston is not a good person, Wren."

"Obviously she isn't that bad because Harry loves her," I mumble as I look out the window.

"Yeah, but does she love Harry?"

"She does, or else she wouldn't have put her life on hold to tour around with you guys."

"There is no life for her to put on hold. Poppy only comes on tour so she can monitor every move that Harry makes; you would think that the billionaire princess wouldn't be so insecure. She's pathetic."

I turn my head to face Louis, "You mean she is worried that Harry will cheat on her?"

Harry doesn't seem to be the cheating type.

But what do I know? I used to think that about Oliver.

"She doesn't want him sharing oxygen with other women."

"D-did Harry give her reason for her to... to act like that?" I dare ask.

"No. He's been a complete sucker for that girl since day one. Only thing I can think of is that he used to fool around with an enemy of hers for a bit, but that was years ago."

"Interesting, so I take it he only dates celebrities then?"

"If you want to call them famous then sure," He cackles. "I think the one thing he likes about his and Poppy's relationship is that she isn't using him for anything."

"What do you mean?"

"Harry's been with a lot of up and coming 'models' if that's what you want to call 'em... They only used him for exposure so that they could launch their nonexistent careers and his money. He has a lot of trust issues. Poppy has no interest in a career, and you know, her father is one of the wealthiest people in the world. Bitch should still get a job, though."

I feign offense at his last sentence, "Hey, she doesn't have to work, so I respect her decision not to. I'll have you know that I used to be a housewife."

"Yes, you may have been a housewife, but she is a hoe," Louis sasses.

Not wanting to listen to him roast Poppy any further I change the subject, "So do you think everyone is going to treat me weird when they see me?"

"Get ready to have your ass kissed," He deadpans. "That's all I'm going to say."

I frown, "I don't want that. The way everyone treated me when the Oliver story was leaked was bad enough."

"The reason why that was so awkward is that we already knew about it."

I blink at him, "Excuse me?"

"We had press the day of your trial or whatever," He admits. "The radio station we had a quick interview at was covering it. They even played a piece of your speech."

My face begins to heat up in complete humiliation.

Did they know all along?

"So everyone sees me as some charity case," I assume.

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