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My eyes slowly blink open, and I find myself in a cold, dark hotel room.


How did I...

Why does it feel like someone's beat on my head with a hammer?

I put a pillow on top of my face in an attempt to ease the throbbing ache.

After allowing myself to suffer for a few moments, I sit up and try to assess the current situation.

Flipping on the bedside lamp, I hiss as the sudden brightness stings my eyes.

"Owwww," I groan before putting my face in my hands.

The bedroom door creeps open, and a familiar accent rasps, "Wren? You okay?"

I shake my head no in response, and the fast movement throws me into a dizzy-spell which causes me to dry-heave.

"Oh, here," Harry hands me a small trashcan before sitting next to me and rubbing my back as I continue to gag.

"Everything hurts so bad," I whine once my stomach is finally relieved of all of the vile. "What's wrong with me?" Panic begins to set in, "How did I get in here? What am I... what am I wearing?" I look down at my attire, "I don't own a shirt this big! Harry, what happened—"

"Everything's okay, you're only going to make yourself feel worse if you keep on like this. Here, lie back down, and I'll get you something to drink."

"Water?" I beg, "Please?"

"I'm going to go grab you a few things from the other room, and I'll be right back. Don't move... alright?"

"Okay," I weakly agree.

Once he leaves the suite, I squeeze my eyes shut and try my hardest to figure out how I ended up here.

"This is... is soo much fun, Lou!" I slurred, "I've neverrr felt so alive!"

Louis grinned, "Seeeee? I told ya this is fun!"

"You know what?"

"What?" He hiccuped

"Harry's such a jerk!"

"Harry? You mean my Harold? He's not a jerk. He's the best lad I know," Louis hiccuped again, "I'm his Lou-Bear for fuck's sake!"

I shook my head, "Nooooo. Can I tell you a secret?"

"'Kay.. what?"

I put my mouth to his ear, "I sucked his penis because I love him, and now he's on a date with 'nother girl."

Louis did a spit-take, "WHAT?"

"I SAID I SUCKED HARRY'S PENIS AND HE'S ONNA DATE WITH ANOTHER GIRL!" I yelled, causing the bartender to give us a terrified look. "I LOVE HIM, BUT I FEEL LIKE A WHORE!"

Oh. My. God.

I said that Louis Tomlinson in public, which is the equivalent of releasing an official press statement to the world.

Also, love?

No no no no.

"You know what you oughta do, Wrennie?" Louis asked after slamming down yet another shot.


"Get your phone out, and let's text our good ole Harold a word or two."

I gasped, "That's the best idea!!! He needs to know how I feel, right?"

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