6-And you swallow

Start from the beginning

"So when we were in sixth grade, during our dinner break,the girls begged us to go to Kanes, so we went and we couldn't eat anything cause nothing there is healthy. These two decided to eat everything possible to taunt us and get us to break, eventually we did and all threw up after the game. Since then it's become an tradition/ competition to see if they can get us to break" Beck explains to her

"That sounds disgusting" she smiles "I'm so in"

"I knew I liked you for a reason" Wes laughs

"Last year it was easy, there was only one of us, now there's three, we are so going to break you guys" I grin deviously. The only reason Caleb didn't break last year was because I wasn't here, I finally knew his weakness. It took me years to figure it out, and sophomore year I finally figured it out but wasn't able to use it the next year.

"No you aren't" Caleb scoffs

"Yeah we are" I sing

"Then I say yes make this interesting, you wanna bet princess?"

"Have I ever backed down?" I mirror the smirk he was wearing as we stand inches apart in a challenging stare down

"I'll take that as a yes? " he smiles cockily down at me. I really hated that he was a giant. He has and always will tower over me "If you win, I'll buy you whatever food you want for a week"

"Wait really?" My face lights up and a smile over takes my lips

"I double pinky promise" he laughs at my excitement as he holds his pinky up

"Deal!" I grin

"I still have to think about what I want, but if we win, you have to do the thing I say once I think about it. Okay?" He asks holding both of his pinky's out to me

"You have a deal" I grin "You're going down Kazer"

I wrap my pinkys around his to seal our deal with a true pinky promise and we start our way back to our friends.
"Two down five to go" Em grins before ordering another basket of onion rings, Jordans favorite.
So far Ace and Wes already broke, both eating fries. "Are you keeping time, A?" She asks Arrex

"Yes Em, you specifically appointed me time keeper don't worry" he patronizes her.

I just smirk at Caleb who was across from me wearing an identical smirk.

"Not gonna break princess, you might as well give up now" Caleb grins

"Now Kazer have you ever known me as one to give up easily" I raise a single brow at him

"Never" he sighs

"Exactly, now it's time for loaded fries" I grin at Tyler

"You are all evil" Tyler whines as the fries are placed in front of me

"OH FINE" He whiles and grabs a handful of the fries  out of the basket

"Four to go" Amy laughs

"I have a secret weapon, and I'm saving it for last" I grin, making Calebs face drop. I was the only one who knew.

Last year Em told me every food she ordered, it was every food that the guys loved except Caleb , I was the only one who knew his real crack. He was a sweets guy. His absoloutely favorite thing was a double chocolate, caramel banana split.

"Now's the fried pickles"

We all laugh at Arrex and Becks face, we all loved the fried pickles and I knew there was no way they could resist.

Like expected the both broke, Jordans did too eating onion rings and pickles. But Caleb stayed strong, just smirking at me.

"Okay time for the suprise! we've been eating salty all night, but Kazer here is more of a sweets guy, Kane can I have the double chocolate caramel banana split?" I ask while smirking at Caleb

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