What's Happening?!

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"What's going on?" You pushed him off of you, a bit breathless from your jog.

"They just started arguing out of nowhere." Hoseok said with a shrug as his eyes darted between you and Nova.

"Is it because of--" Nova cut herself off, glancing to you briefly before looking back at Hoseok. She didn't need to ask, she already knew. So did you, but like you, she was probably hoping it was something else.

He didn't offer a verbal answer, but the somberness on his face told you enough.

"Let me just try and talk to--" You started to say but Hoseok interrupted you as he raised his hand in front of his chest.

"I feel like if you walk in there, it might make things worse. I don't want you two to get mixed up in their childish squabbling." You shot him a glare that you knew he didn't earn, but he simply looked sympathetic. He hated this even more than you did. His best friends were fighting, and he couldn't make it stop. 

Nova's face twisted into a deep scowl before a steely resolve gleamed in her eyes. You knew that look. It was her 'Don't fuck with me' look.

"Move." She said suddenly, grabbing hold of Hoseok's shoulder and pushing him gruffly out of the way as she moved to the door. "Keep her here." She ordered as she quickly opened the door and stepped inside, closing it behind herself.

"What?" You were outraged that she wouldn't let you come with her. Taking a step forward to go after her, you were once again halted as Hoseok gently placed a hand on your shoulder and shook his head. If he wasn't careful, he wouldn't leave here with both arms. 

"Just... give her a minute. Maybe she can talk some sense into them from an outside perspective."

You pressed your ear to the door and Hoseok kept a close eye on you as if daring to open it. You listened to what you could from where you stood in the hall, the arguing continuing before Nova's loud voice yelled.

"Listen here!"

You flinched at her booming, angry voice. Crap, you really hoped she didn't make things worse. But you also felt bad for Namjoon and Jimin, she was a force to be reckoned with.

The room fell silent for only a moment, and you put all your focus on trying to hear what was going on from where you were. But you couldn't hear anything, and you hated being kept in the dark. You felt like a child standing outside the classroom door during a parent-teacher conference.

The men must be incredibly brave, or they hadn't yet elicited Nova's full wrath, because you heard someone break the silence.

"Keep testing me, see what happens, Namjoon." Jimin's voice growled.

"The fuck are you going to do? Fight my knees, short shit?" Namjoon shot back with just as much bite. You backed away from the door at that, the blow to Jimin's ego felt through the wood.

"Shut up! Shut up both of you!" Nova's anger was reaching its peak, and once again silence fell over the room. This time, though, it lasted.

Even Hoseok's eyes went wide at her aggression. His head shot back to look at the door in surprise. Nova wasn't exactly shy, but she didn't like to upset people and almost never raised her voice.

Once again you tried to take one more step forward and Hoseok stopped you. She shouldn't have to fight your battles, or theirs. You should be the one in that room.

"She's got this." Hoseok assured you, though his voice made it sound like he was a little uncertain himself.


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