Midnight Drive (Supernatural x Reader)

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It was around 1:30 am and you still couldn't sleep, you had been stressing out over your college exams. You had been studying for six hours straight until Sam took away your notes and textbooks, ordering you to go to bed, which hadn't worked out very well. You had hidden more physics study cards under your pillow which you immediately started looking over and over and over until a migraine had made itself present and you were beginning to feel tears sting your eyes. Finally having enough of the hell known as studying, you took some Advil for the pain and listened to some music to help stop the tears; it worked but didn't help you to fall asleep. You laid around for a while, desperately trying to fall asleep but you eventually gave up and headed to the kitchen for some milk and cookies. Yes, you're (your age), but you're never too old to have milk and cookies.

Once in the kitchen you took out your Avengers mug and found your favorite cookies in the cupboard, you took out the milk which was, thankfully, still good even though it was do yesterday. You had just sat down at the counter and took a sip of milk when Dean walked into the kitchen, still fully dressed in his flannel shirt, denim jeans, old leather jacket and brown biker boots. He was looking down at his phone but turned it off and looked up at you with a look of confusion.

"Y/n? What the heck are you doing still up, it's 2:00 in the morning." He asked watching you as you dunked a cookie.

"I couldn't sleep and I had a really bad headache, after Sammy said to go to bed I took out my emergency backup study cards and looked them over until I could feel my eyes burning. I think they're still red because they still hurt a little. Anyways, I got hungry so I decided to have some milk and cookies." You responded biting into a cookie, avoiding eye contact as you knew there were still had some tears rolling down your face and you didn't need him to see you so drained.

"Now that you know why I'm up, why are you still awake, and in still in your clothes?"

"Ah, I'm just not tired yet, came in here to grab some beer then go for a drive with Cas." He answered opening the fridge and taking out a Lucky Lager beer that a hunter in Canada had sent us after a Wendigo hunt that we helped him out with.

Just then Cas came into the kitchen with the Impalas keys in his hand, he handed them to Dean then looked over at you; "hello Y/n, are you alright?" He tilted his head to one side, he was so cute when he did that.

"I'm fine Cas, don't worry about me. Just hungry and couldn't sleep, Dean just told me that you guys were going to go for a drive around." You replied drinking the rest of your milk and closing the cookies.

Dean glanced over at Cas and gave him his beer, even though Cas couldn't taste the beer, he still drank it so he would fit in with us. Dean walked up behind you and gripped your shoulder; "hey, why don't you come with us, the drive might help you fall asleep." He suggested grabbing a cookie from the box and putting the rest into the cupboard again.

"Oh, really? Yeah, yeah, I'd like that. Thanks Dean." You smiled, taking the glass to the sink and rinsing it.

Turning around and looked at Dean, his eyes grew wide in shock and worry he stepped forward and tilted your chin up to get a better look at your face; "geez kid, you look horrible. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, brushing his rough thumb over your soft skin and looking deep into your reddened eyes.

"I'm just drained by these exams and I really don't think I can do it Dean. I'm not smart enough for this, I can't do it." You muttered, choking up before tears started rolling down your face again.

"Hey, it's okay y/n. I know that college takes a lot out of you, at least that's what Sam said, but you were obviously smart enough to get into it in the first place. It's going to be a hard road but worth it in the end; you and Sammy are the smartest people I know, hell I think sometimes you're smarter than my brother. You'll do fine y/n, I know you will, and when your exams are over you, me, Sammy and Cas will go for a trip to the local lake and spend the weekend. no monsters, no demons, just us."

"Really?" You asked looking up at him with a slight smile.

"Really, I promise." He answered wiping away some tears with his sleeve and giving you a kiss on the forehead.

"Dean is right y/n, everything will be fine, we promise. And you are an extremely intelligent girl, its one of my favorite things about you." Cas added, walking up behind Dean with a goofy smile on his face, "do you need a jacket before we leave? I can grab one for you."

"Yes please, there's a blue hoodie on my bed. Thank you, Cas."

When he came back you slipped on your hoodie and grabbed a thing of (favorite juice) before leaving the kitchen. You followed the boys as they headed to the garage and Dean asked you if you wanted to sit shot gun with him, you declined knowing that Cas rarely gets to sit in the front and you also wanted to have room for if you fell asleep. Dean opened your door then got into his side, Cas got in beside Dean with a childish grin on his face; once he was buckled up Dean turned on the car and pulled out of the garage.

Once out on the open road Dean turned on the radio and slipped in a cassette tape, Sam always bugged him about getting new cassettes, or even just getting rid of them. Dean would always reply with 'driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole'. The radio suddenly started blasting Wanted by Bon Jovi, it kind of scared you, making both you and Cas jump. Dean quickly turned it down a little, laughing at both of you while doing so, but the volume didn't matter because he started singing at the top of his lungs. You were shy to join in at first but once he glanced over at you in the rear-view mirror, he smiled and nodded at you in approval to join in. Cas just kind of sat there not knowing what to do; once the song was over more followed, including Eye of the Tiger by Survivor, Supermassive Black Hole by Muse and Highway to Hell by AC/DC.

You were off the highway now and on a back road a few miles from the bunker, it was past 3:00 am and you were finally getting tired. You curled up beside the window and looked out, up at the sparkling stars and gleaming moon that were shining ever so bright, and it felt as if they were chasing away the darkness. You were listening to Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Cage the Elephant, when Cas looked back at you and saw you drifting, almost asleep. He tapped Dean on the shoulder and pointed back at you, Dean nodded and ejected the cassette slipping in another. It started playing Can't Help but Falling in Love by Elvis, Cas hummed the tune and Dean quietly sang along and turned it down quite a bit.

"But I can't help falling in love with you." He sang reaching around his seat to find your hand, you reached over and squeezed it. You saw him smile, and perhaps a small blush crossed his cheeks. 

Cas took off his trench coat and laid it over you, you gave him a sleepy smile and were going to say thanks, but only a yawn escaped. The song ended and Carry on My Wayward Son by Kansas started, before you completely fell asleep you quietly sang along with Dean and Cas:

"Carry on My Wayward Son,

There'll be Peace When You are Done.

Lay Your Weary Head to Rest,

Don't You Cry No More."

When you woke up the next morning, you were in your bed with your hoodie still on and a familiar trench coat cover you along with your blanket. You smiled and got up, heading into the library where you saw Sam, Dean and Cas sitting around and drinking their coffee. Sam saw you first however; "hey y/n, where were you last night? I came into your room to check on you at like 3:00 and you weren't in there."

You looked over at Dean and Cas who smiled back at you; smiling, you looked at Sam, who looked both concerned and confused; "don't worry Sammy, I was just studying."

So.....first write on here! What do you guys think? I want to try my best to put up new stories often, that is if you like them. I'll be trying to write both short stories and longer ones, so I really hope you enjoy them!

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