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Friends 💕

Hobi: guys I need help!

Jin👑: for what?

Hobi: well something happened....

Joonie: like what?

Yoongi: can we describe the word
cheater in better detail please!
I think someone needs a reminder.

Hobi: yeah please remind me?
I don't think having friendly convos with a guy
Isn't cheating last time I checked?

Tae: umm 😐

Kookie❤️: I'm so lost.

Jiminnie💕: tea ☕️

Jin👑: honey? I'm kinda lost?
It's been a nice cleanse
free month.
Without any drama
so what seems to be the problem?

Joonie: What I've read,
it seems like Hoseok cheated on Yoongi?

Yoongi: yeah that's exactly what it is.

Hobi: he's just some guy
I met at a shop who liked all the things I liked.
And he asked for my number,
and so we text it's not like he's sending me nudes 🙄

Yoongi: oh so 'you turn my software into hardware'
Isn't flirting?

Jiminnie💕: Yoongi does have a fair point.

Kookie❤️: but did you flirt back?

Jin👑: if it was purely one sided,
Then it's not.

Tae: I have a gut feeling something else happened.

Joonie: what else are you not telling us?

Yoongi: Yeah explain man whore!

Yoongi has left the chat!

Hobi: since Yoongi
has not been around in awhile.
And I assumed the worse
and that was is that he didn't love me anymore.
We got into a bad argument before,
That I don't want to get into.

Hobi: the guy I've been talking too is name Ryun
And I went to club with him.
I got really drunk and I slept with him.

Hobi: but Yoongi
doesn't know I slept with him,
All he knows is the texts.

Jin👑: Why would you do such a thing?

Jiminnie💕: Hoseok...

Kookie❤️: damn like all you guys say.
TEA ☕️

Tae: yeah like I'm sippin the fuc out that tea cup! ☕️

Hobi: i feel awful,
Yoongi hates me.
And now if I tell him he'll never forgive me.

Joonie: give him some time,
Breaking trust with someone is so hard to build back up.
But if you gays love each other
enough you'll take the time into fixing it.

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