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Taehyung darted his gaze away from the love birds who had feeding each other sushi, because if he stared any longer he'll have the urge to punch Jungkook in the face and hurl.

I'm so whipped.

He laughed at the sly remark Yoongi made over Namjoon being a gay in denial, but in the inside he was in tears when he saw jungkook drape his arm around Jimin who snuggled into his embrace lovingly.

He wondered if they were official.

The thought made his blood run cold.

"Tae! Hellooooo!" Jimin waved his hand in front of his face and he noticed the concern look the boys gave.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok suddenly stops shoving fries in his mouth asks.

"Yeah you were literally in another world, is something bothering you?" Jungkook asks,

"Uh Yeah just thinking." Taehyung shook his head and gave the group his boxy grin.

"Well don't think to hard sweetie that pea sized brain of yours might explode." Jin suddenly throws his shade and sips his drink, making the boys chuckle.

"I take that into consideration." Taehyung grins.

"Anyways we were talking about how the dance is coming up and wondering if we should all get a limo and car pool?" Jungkook asks and everyone listens in.

"Oh shit that will be so sick!" Namjoon agrees and Jin nods his head.

"And we'll have two oldies stuck by our sides." Hoseok laughs knowing Yoongi and Jin will be tagging along.

"You taking anyone Tae?" Jimin asks and Taehyung can't help but stare at his lips, the crave of wanting to kiss him was overwhelming.

"I don't know yet." Taehyung sighs knowing the only one he would want to go with was sitting right in front of him, locking hands with another man.

Not knowing he's killing Taehyung on the inside.

"I heard that a few of girls were going to ask you out." Jungkook lifts a brow at Taehyung, just the mention of the opposite sex made him want to hide.

Taehyung didn't know what he wanted anymore.

He likes girls, but Jimin was just an exception.

But Taehyung made the conclusion that he might be Bi or Pan.

He'll decide on his own terms.

Jimin was wondering what was bothering his friend, Jungkook and him talked about it and tried to piece the problem together in one of there many face times but nothing came out of it.

No one knew why.

Except three people, not like anyone noticed the looks Yoongi and Hobi gave the love sick boy across the table.

They were oblivious and it's not their fault.

"And Sana said that she wanted to go with you, I heard her chatting in the classroom." Namjoon peered in.

"Taehyung I help you get the right tux." Jin adds.

Yoongi and Hobi gave nervous glances towards each other as they seen the way the boys pestered.

"Oh me and Jiminnie will get you someone." Jungkook chuckles.

Taehyung's hands gripped his hands in a tight fist, he was a ticking bomb being fuelled with annoyance and anger.

"I'm not going with anyone, so can you guys just shut the fuck up!" Taehyung suddenly gets out of his seat and slams his hands on the table raising his voice.

Causing the whole cafe to grow quiet.

Taehyung picks up his bag and doesn't look twice at the group of boys.

"I going to school, see you guys later." Taehyung growls and storms out the cafe.

Jimin felt embarrassed, he had a heavy blush of guilt form around his cheeks.

Why was Taehyung acting so strange?

What happened?

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