Mikey came in, looking at them.

"What do you think of this?" Gerard asked.

Mikey looked over the letter and pictures.

"A little weird," Mikey said. "Kinda creepy."

"See, look, I told you," Frank said.

"Yeah, that's a little bit odd," Mikey said. "Are you just laughing at it or something."

"That is exactly what he's doing," Frank stated. "He thinks that this is all just some kind of hilarious joke."

"Gerard, I really don't think that this is something to be taken so lightly of," he said.

"You two are just crazy," Gerard said. "I really don't think this is that big of a deal. It's just some stupid little note."

"Of someone threatening you," Frank said.

Mikey rolled his eyes and left the room, going back downstairs to his comic books.

"This is barely a threat," Gerard denied. "It's like some fifth graders getting into an argument over a boy and writing notes about it."

"This is about me?" Frank asked.

"It says to stay away from you," Gerard said. "What, are you the real father of Debby's baby or something?"

"No, definitely not," he denied. "I never had sex with her."

"Ooh, maybe it's that one girl you did have sex with," Gerard said.

"No, no, that's impossible," Frank denied.

"Why is that impossible?" Gerard asked.

"Because...she's not here anymore," he said. "She was in a car accident last year, she passed away."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Gerard said. "She did? I didn't know, I thought that--"

"No, she died," Frank interrupted. "It was a very sad day for this town. A lot of people liked her."

"You guys never spoke of her like she was dead," Gerard said.

"Sometimes we just forget," Frank said. "It's habit."

Gerard bit his lip, looking at the note.

"Well, okay then," he mumbled. "Listen, Frank, if I thought this was a big deal then I would do something about it but I just don't think that it is. If I get another one then I will tell someone but this is just one little note that isn't a big deal."

"Okay, fine," Frank finally agreed after a moment of silence. "I'm not the happiest with the deal but I guess I will accept."

"Okay good because I don't wanna talk about this anymore," Gerard said, shoving the note and photos into the nightstand. "I would rather talk about how cute you look."

Frank blushed, shaking his head.

"It's sunday night, I can't stay over here for too long," he said.

"Can you come over after school tomorrow?" Gerard asked.

"I wish but I've gotta work," he said.

Frank bit his lip, eyeing the drawer of the nightstand.

"Come on, baby, just push it out of your mind," Gerard said. "I can burn it, will that help you forget about it?"

"No, do not burn or tear or rip it," he stated. "This is evidence."

"We don't need evidence for anything, it's all just a joke," he said. "Really, Frankie, I know when things are serious, I don't just take everything as a joke. But I really just don't think that this is anything to make a big deal out of. Just trust me, okay? Do you trust me?"

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