Chapter 29

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The sem is over and it's been weeks since Taehyung and Sandra left our house. Sandra was fetched by her brother, Jackson. No one said a word, we just acted like normal in her brother's presence. Tae on the otherhand went overseas to study there for his safety his father insisted. Taehyung never called me since but Sandra would always come over. We grew closer and became unexpectedly friends. Sora already gave birth to their lovely son Levi. It was magical and precious. My hand grip the gun absent mindedly as my mind wanders off.

"Focus Hea," Jimin snapped me out of my train of thoughts.

I regained my focus and aimed at a bottle of can that is placed on top of a trunk. I pulled the trigger and shoot the can right in the middle making it fall from the trunk creating a clanging sound.

"I can do this with my eyes closed Jimin," I almost glared at him.

What are we even doing here in the woods?

"Really Hea? I don't think so," Jimin pursed his lips.

I am now losing my patience at him so I aimed the gun to his chest instead. He cocked his head to the side and smirked.

"I swear Jimin I might kill you one day," I gritted.

He walked towards me until the gun's mozzle touches his chest.

"I'm letting you do that now," he looked at me straight in the eyes.

I smirked at him and dropped my hand to my side.

"This isn't the right way to kill you Jiminie," I cooed at him childishly.

He pulled me by my waist towards his body and inched dangerously close to my lips. His silver hair brushing the tip of his nose.

"Do you know how much control I am doing right now Hea? I want to badly kiss you but I suppose I need to hear you beg for it first," he said darkly at me.

I gulped at his warning and felt a rush of blood tint my cheeks.

Jungkook and Taehyung kissed me mindlessly with no warnings but here he is saying he's controlling his urge to kiss me. What do I make of that? Do I simply tell him that he's holding back for nothing?

As promised, he relieved me from my duties as his personal security. I've having a break too from my work so I could focus more on my studies. He just insisted we should soend time together since I was always with Jungkook.

"You're spacing out again Kim Hea," Jimin stared at me.

"Sorry," I mumbled and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" he asked me following from behind.

"You're making my head hurt Jimin,"

"You just want to go home to Jungkook," he's probably glaring at me.

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