Diet Mountain Dew part II

Start from the beginning

"I..." Dan didn't know what to say.

"You're a stupid creature and I don't know why Phil fucking cares about you at all," she spat, then the back of her hand came into contact with Dan's cheek.

Dan whimpered, scampering backwards away.

Then he was on the floor, his marketer's fist raised. "Stupid pet. Get up, useless thing ," he  spat, grabbing Dan's shirt in a fist and shoving him against the wall. The fist collided with his cheek and he cried out soundlessly, before he was dropped the the ground. "Christ, you're pathetic ," the  man spat.

"Please, please, don't hurt me, I'm sorry," Dan pleaded.

Abby laughed coldly. "God, and a coward at that. You're practically worthless," she spat.

"You're supposed to make me money you little shit. You're so fucking worthless." Another punch to his face. He felt his black eye from weeks ago reassert itself. He whimpered brokenly.

Dan began sobbing, flashbacks worsening and sting on his cheek hurting. He was so scared.

The front door opened and Phil walked in. "Hey Ab—Dan!" he exclaimed, upon seeing the scene.

"Phil! Thank God! He just started crying, I...I didn't know what to do..." She sounded on the verge of tears. That bitch.

"He gets like this sometimes," Phil spoke, falling to his knees in front of Dan.

"Hey," he murmured gently, "Dan. Hey. It's okay. You're okay."

Dan shook his head, sobbing harder. "Don't hurt me! I'll be good!"

"No one's gonna hurt you. It's okay, Dan, shh."

"Sh-she hit me," Dan sobbed.

"Abby?" Phil asked, surprised, but trusting Dan wouldn't lie.

"I put my hand on his cheek and he just freaked out, I'm so sorry," she lied.

Dan cried harder, catching some of Phil explaining that certain things triggered Dan and it wasn't her fault. But she had hit Dan! Why didn't Phil believe him?!

"Dan. Dan breathe," Phil spoke.

Dan cried, but he didn't argue Phil. And Abby wouldn't hurt him with Phil around. He'd just have to stay with Phil. Before he could realize it, he was clinging to Phil desperately.

Phil held him close, "Sh, sh. I've got you," he assured.

Abby chuckled awkwardly. "Where was this when we we going out?" she joked, slightly bitter-sounding.

Phil merely sent her a look and continued to comfort Dan. "I'm sorry, Dan. But it's okay. You're safe." he murmured.

Dan gathered himself. "I thought—Sh-she.... I thought she was gonna—" Dan stammered, wiping at his tears.

"I'm so sorry, Dan, I didn't know," Abby spoke gently.

Dan's eyes widened. "Phil, she hit me!" Dan exclaimed, "D-don't you believe me?" he asked pleadingly.

Phil looked between Abby and Dan. "Dan, I know you're still getting used to her, but Abby would never hurt you. It must be your imagination," Phil decided.

Dan bit his lip. Wasn't there a red spot on his cheek for proof?! Well, he supposed his cheeks were red anyways from crying. He sighed shakily. Could he have imagined it? But it had hurt.

"Phil! She hit me! She's no good! She hurt you too! Are you fucking blind?! Why'd you let her back?!" Dan cried, more angry than upset now. How could Phil not see the obvious?! Why did she have to come back into Phil's life and sweep him off his feet again, leaving Dan in the dust?!

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