"Yeah i know." Connor sighed.

"Sometimes i don't know why they hate me so much, especially dad." Zoe bit her lip.

"Do you want my opinion?" Connor looked up at her, and moved her for her to sit next to him. "I think," she paused, "I think its because he doesn't understand you and no offence Connor but i don't think you can really blame us." Connor laughed. "And i think it's because you're not like him." Connor nudged Zoe.

"Unlike you." Zoe sighed.

"You don't think of me like that do you?" Connor shrugged.

"Used to, not anymore. Just cause you are more like Dad doesn't mean you are automatically an asshole." Zoe laughed at that one. "Go on, what else?" Zoe shrugged.

"I mean the long hair, black clothes, and the weed don't help." Connor sat up.

"First of all, if you are allowed long hair so am i, second of all my body is my body and i can wear whatever i like on it." Zoe smirked.

"And third?" Connor sighed as he reached for a package under his bed, and handed it to Zoe.

"Two arguments are enough don't you think?" Zoe frowned.

"What the hell do you want me to do with this?" Connor shrugged.

"Smoke it. Bin it. I don't care." Zoe just started at him.

"Are you seriously quitting." Connor shrugged.

"Guess i am." He sighed. "If i want mum and dad to change well then i kind of need to change too don't i? At least show I'm trying. Which is totally not fair and i don't see what my drugs have to do with it but its worth a shot." Zoe smiled. She went to walk out the door. "Wait Zoe!" She came back in.

"Yeah what is it?" Connor sniggered.

"See if mum and dad want a hit! Maybe it will help them calm the fuck down!" Zoe just laughed as she went back downstairs. Just at that moment Connor saw his phone light up. He smiled as he threw himself on his bed.

Evan: Hey what are you doing?

Connor: Was practising for tomorrow

Evan: Are you nervous

Connor: Nah ill just make it up if i have to

Evan: You're crazy i could never do that, i always go for the essay

Connor: I know

Connor: You're my little nerd remember?

Evan: And you're my school shooter

Connor: You bet your ass i am Hansen

Connor: I told my parents about us

Evan: How did it go?

Connor: Not well but what's new

Evan: I'm sorry Connor

Evan: Do you want to call me?

Connor smiled, he couldn't instantly translate these sorts of things. You see Evan never actually means "Do you want to have a phone call with me?" But rather "I want to call you can talk about it if that's alright with you but i feel sick when i have to call someone and wait for the person to answer while i listen to it right through so can you please call me?". Connor smiled as he called Evan's phone.

"Hey Hansen..." Connor could practically hear Evan's smile from the other line.

"Hey Connor. So didn't go so well then?" Connor told Evan everything, about how his parents were in denial, how his mother didn't know what to do with him and how his dad didn't seem to give a shit. Evan didn't respond for a while.

"Hey Evan you okay?" He heard Evan sniffling from the other line. He was crying, and it broke Connor's heart. "Hey Evan, Evan talk to me."

"I just- i mean if this is too hard for you then i get it if you, i mean if you want to-" Connor sighed.

"Evan i don't want to break up with you okay? My parents have always been like this even with my first boyfriend it's not going to change."

"Your first boyfriend?" Oh shit, Connor must have forgotten to mention that small detail.

"Yeah couple of years ago, it was nothing serious really."

"Oh okay." Connor desperately opted to change the subject.

"So i gave up weed." Evan gasped.

"Wait really?" Connor laughed.

"Yup, well and truely." Evan laughed in shock.

"Wow Connor I'm, I'm proud of you." Connor sighed.

"I did it for you. I told Zoe i did it to show my parents that I'm becoming a better person but that's not the real reason. You're the real reason." Evan fumbled over his words.

"I, I just, thank you Connor." Connor laughed.

"Don't thank me yet Hansen, you think you've seen my angry? Wait until you see when in withdrawal, it ain't pretty. I get real pissed if I can't get a high." Evan went silent on the other line, and somehow Connor just knew he was thinking.

"Well, maybe..." Connor sat up.

"Maybe what?" Connor could imagine Evan shrugging right about now, he was doing it Connor just knew.

"Maybe... maybe i could be your high?" Connor frowned and laughed.

"Wait what?" Evan murmured into the phone.

"Well i was just thinking, i mean when you and i were in the storage closet, i mean that-" Connor burst out laughing.

"Are you, Evan Hansen, offering me sex instead of drugs?" Evan laughed nervously.

"No, not exactly. I mean not sex..." Connor's heart melted as he whispered the word 'sex' into his phone, "... but like i could come over or something." Connor just shook his head.

"Careful Hansen, because i will take you up on that offer." Evan was quiet for a long time when he finally said.

"I hope you do." Connor said goodbye and hung up for Evan. And then he just lay there laughing, trying to process his boyfriend's proposition. If he had known, he would have given up weed a hell of a lot sooner. 

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