Chapter 21

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Playlist: Hello my love by westlife.

School has officially become a nightmare for me. Our second test was coming up next week. Nobody wanted to fail, obviously. We all started preparing seriously even though the week wasn't over yet but still.

I decided I'll tell Nonso about the dare today after school probably when my mom was done with all the plenty celebrations she must have planned.  The guilt was killing me. I know he will obviously feel very bad to find out our relationship was based on a lie.

I was currently getting ready for school. I woke up extra early today. My mom's birthday was today and I really wanted to have a taste of  aunt Agnes' cupcakes. They were to die for. After putting on my shoes, I took my school bag from my room couch and hurried to the kitchen. I had a feeling Amara was already sitted, salivating like a goat.

"Close your mouth biko!" I snapped at her and she glared playfully at me.

"You don't have respect at all you this child. I don't blame you." She said, dismissing me with a wave of her hand. I sighed. "This one you're sighing this early morning. What's up?" She asked.

I turned to survey my surrounding first. I didn't want Nonso to know about it like this. "It's about the dare. I want to tell Nonso about it." I whispered while she gasped.

"That's serious oh. So how do you want to tell him because you can't just give him the bombshell like that."

"I don't know how I'll tell him about it yet but I want to do it today." I shrugged.

"Wow. That's a bold step babe. I'm proud of you though. He has every right to know." She said, patting my back. "But you have to tell him with sense sha. Just think of how you'll tell him." Almost immediately, Nonso waltzed in.

"Hey babe." He said, kissing my cheek.

I faked a smile while I drew imaginary things on the counter. "So what are we waiting for exactly?" Nonso asked sitting down beside me.

"We're waiting for Aunt Agnes' cupcakes to be ready. Besides we still have time." Amara said absentmindedly.

I turned to look at Nonso. I adjusted his tie while he blushed. "Don't allow your head to swell oh." I said, pinching him.

He smiled and this touched my face. "It's true self."

"What's true?" I asked, with one of my eyebrows raised up.

"I've not asked you to the dance yet. I wanted to do something romantic but nothing was coming to my mind." He said, scratching his neck.

"Awwwn." Amara cooed with her two hands holding her chin up. "You could have come to meet me now." She said, feigning anger.

"Shebi?" Nonso said, rubbing his jaw like he was thinking.

"Yes! They're ready." Amara quickly got up from her chair and walked towards the table where the cakes were kept to cool.

Aunt Agnes walked to the store at the other side of the kitchen to get Ziploc bags where she would package them. She gave us four each. I know two of mine will probably go to Uju alone so I took an extra one after the begging and begging her. She gave me secretly so Amara won't riot.

We got to school ten minutes before our assembly was supposed to start. Nonso and I both walked to my class.

Both Uju and Bukky attacked me immediately I stepped foot into the class.

"Tell your mom happy birthday on my behalf. I know Aunt Agnes came through with the cupcakes, so where are they?" Uju asked, attacking my bag too. I left only three cupcakes in the Ziploc bag. She just can't scam me. I know there'll be more when I get home but this one will be the sweetest because Aunt Agnes settled down to make this one.

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