Chapter 23

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Playlist: it must have been love by Glee cast.
900+ reads already. I'm so happy. Thanks allot.

"My twin brother."

He gasped.

Yeah my big secret is out. No one would have guessed I was a twin. He was the only boy. He was this ray of sunshine, always happy and noisy. My dad adored him. We looked alike even though he was a boy. That was probably the reason why my dad couldn't stand me. I looked like the son he loved so much and I reminded him of him. My brother, Ifesinachi, always thought Jane was his soulmate. They both thought that.

"What killed him?" Nonso asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

"He had cancer too. Cancer of the lungs. We were 6 when he was diagnosed. By the time we were 9, he died. He stopped responding to treatment." I didn't realize I was already crying till I felt the tears drop.

"That's terrible. No wonder your mom looked really sad when I asked who the other room was for. It had a lot of boyish stuff." He said and I nodded.

After his death, he became a forbidden topic. No one talked about him. It became like he didn't even exist and it was painful. I usually go to his room during our birthday. Nothing changed, everything was in place, only that they were very dusty. Even when the house was going through some renovations, they left that room like that. I wonder how he would have looked by now. I'm positive he would have been taller than me.

"Yeah." I cleared my throat. "Okay I think that's enough. And about the dare, believe me when I say I'm terribly sorry. I didn't want you or anyone to get hurt but I know I just did that. I hop you can forgive me." He stared at me. Before I knew what was happening, he pulled me into a hug.

I sighed. I had missed his hug and his scent too. I hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry that you had to experience such loss at a young age. Now I know why your mom always acts up when she goes to visit my dad." We pulled apart. He used one of his fingers to clean my tears.

"I've forgiven you but I don't know where we stand just yet but I'll still like it of you were my date to the dance though." I caught myself beaming.

My stomach growled and we both laughed. "I need to eat. I'll see you later." He nodded and left my room while I went to the kitchen to get something to eat.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. I was happy that at least Nonso and I were no more awkward around each other. I won't blame him if he doesn't want the relationship anyway.

After reading for the test I had on Monday, I decided to watch a movie at least to eat my sorrows away. It was the first time I had thought about him in a while. He was my better half even though we were different genders, we understood each other more than anything.

"Earth to Oluchi!" I turned to see my sister looking at me like I was going mad. "What were you thinking about like that? Abi are you pregnant?" She asked scornfully.

"Idiot." I muttered. "What do you want?" I almost yelled.

"The hairdresser is coming very soon oh. Better go and loosen your hair and wash it. It's even smelling self." I glared at her while she laughed and catwalked out of the parlor. I left the parlor for my room to take comb and begin a bad journey.

I hated my hair sometimes. It was terribly thick and full and it was too long. I was tempted to relax the hair but knowing who my mom was, she'll probably cut it off and make me start again.

I finished loosening it after a while. It took time but since it was a simple style, the popular cornrows, it was easy to loosen. I pulled my sweatshirt and wore a bra top, took my shampoo to the bathroom and began to wash my hair. After washing and conditioning, I wrapped my head in my towel and left for Amara's room to take her hand drier.

After drying my hair, I walked downstairs to meet Amara who was already making her hair while she was gisting with the hairdresser.

Our hairdresser was a young lady in her early 20s. She was actually very pretty. She had a light skin, gap tooth, full natural hair too. She has been our hairdresser for over 3 years so she was dear to my mom. My mother liked her alot.

"Good afternoon ma." I said, sitting down on the chair beside them.

"Oluchi how are you? I was just asking your sister about you. This one you're looking dull, what's wrong?" She asked and I shrugged. Amara eyed me warily and looked away almost immediately.

She finished our hair before six. By then, my mom was already at home. As usual, she overfed her with a lot of chicken parts, a soft drink and her usual pay that was as huge as anything else. She took nearly ten thousand naira for both Amara and I's hair. Just ordinary all-back oh. Then imagine how much fixing of weavon or braids will be. When she was done with her mini enjoyment, one of the driver's took her home.

After dinner, I went to my room to read a little bit before having my evening bath and then sleeping.

As I was about to sleep, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said, making myself comfortable on the bed.

Nonso peeped before he entered the room. He joined me on my bed and made himself comfortable too.

"So I came to clear the air." I looked at him and nodded while I played with my fingers. Everywhere suddenly felt chilly. I pulled my comforter up a little bit.

"Go on." I finally said.

"Oluchi I like you a lot. Like a whole lot but I don't think I want us to get back together anytime soon. My heart still needs time to heal." I nodded, not trusting my voice at that moment. "I'll like us to be close but for us to still be in this relationship? I don't think that'll be good. We can be really good friends. You know I'll always be here for you right?" I smiled at him and hugged him tightly.

"I understand. I totally do." That was all I could say. I won't say I was highly disappointed and heartbroken too but then all things happen for the best. Every disappointment is a blessing.

After he released himself from the hug, he stood up and left my room but not without saying goodnight.

I replied a goodnight mainly to myself because he was obviously out of earshot. Funny enough, I didn't feel like crying like most girls in movies do. I layed on my bed after putting off my bedside lamp.

Today was one hell of a day. All things work together for good. At least I still have a date to the dance right?

So this is the end of JAD. I know most of you won't be happy with the way it ended so I decided to make an alternative ending. Sit tight and tighten your seatbelt.

So what's your thoughts on this book? Where do you think I should improve? Was it too clichey? Did you enjoy it?

And please vote and comment too. I love you guys so much especially those that started from day one and are still reading and voting. I love y'all so much.

This isn't the last chapter tho so don't go anywhere. Thanks guys. If you have any questions about the book, you can dm me. I'll answer them. Oh and I'm posting the alternative ending on my birthday; that's on Wednesday. It'll be like a birthday gift from me to you guys

Bye now,

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