10. That Song

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On Stage

Mirei and Sophie notice that Laala is crying look at their stage, both of them without thinking also let out tears

"Laala...." Thought both of them seeing Laala

The crowd suddenly surprised by Mirei and Sophie who cried on stage, Dressing Pafe on backstage surprised and want to go to them but before they got on stage, they heard someone's shout

"WHY ARE YOU TWO DOING! IDOLS SHOULDN'T CRY!!!" shout Laala from the balcony while standing up

"MIREI YOU TOLD ME NOT TO CRY RIGHT!!! SOPHIE DON'T LOSE YOUR COOL ON STAGE!!" shout Laala while wiping her tears and look determined to both of them

Just then Dressing Pafe comes to stage to calm them down, after that Mirei and Sophie wipe their tears and show determined look

"Wakatta... gomen minna for showing tears to you all" said Mirei bowing also Sophie

"It's okay!!" "Yeahh we know!" "It's fine!" shout the crowd

"Okay then, since you two already calmed down, let's go to the next song okay" said Shion
"Um/pri" said both Mirei and Sophie

"Please listen!" said Dorothy

"Love Friend Style!" shout five of them

The same as before, they use Laala's recorded part, Laala then smile happily seeing five of them singing on stage

After that they go to PriXPri and meet WITH, Shougo then switch up with Non to push Laala's wheel chair

When the others talk together, Shougo notice that Laala is very quiet

"Eh ah nani?" asked Laala
"Are you okay? Do you feel a headache?" asked Shougo

"Ahh noo just thinking about Mirei and the others are singing later, they didn't tell me at all" said Laala
"Ah that, well just see later" said Shougo

But actually, Laala was thinking about what Shougo's dad said last night when Shougo already leave the hospital


"Laala-chan, why you ask that?" asked Shougo's dad
"I can't help... I really miss the place that makes the best memories of my life and the place where I met someone that I love"
"Okay then, since I can't control the time, we don't know when it will gonna happen"
"I know... and I'm ready for that time to comes" said Laala with a sad smile while looking at the window holding some papers on the little table in front of her

Back to reality

After that, Laala, WITH, MyDream are going to the balcony and they met Jewlie, Janice, Falala and Galala and Falulu there

"Mama!" shout Jewlie while hugging Laala
"Jewlie!! Ahh I miss you so much!" said Laala with a smile
"Me too Mamaa!"

On stage

Mirei, Sophie and Dressing Pafe already on stage

"Minna!! Are you all ready-pri!!" shout Mirei
"IIZEEE IZZEEE" "HAIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shout the crowd

"Please listen" said Shion

Laala was shock hear five of them singing that song

"This song...." Said Non

"The song that Mama made for SoLaMi Dressing right" said Jewlie
"But how..." said Laala surprised

"Five of them want to sing it no matter what, since they didn't get a chance to sing it with you but they arranged it so your part sung by Mirei-san and Sophie-san" said Janice

"Minna... arigatou" said Laala while letting out tears

And suddenly

Laala fainted

"LAALA/ONEE-CHAN/MAMA!!!!!" shout all of them

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