7. Painful Announcement

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Outside the Training Room, Hibiki is talking with Mirei and Shion

"Soo I see you guys know about Laala's illness" said Hibiki
"Um... It shocked us but Laala want us to smile until the end so we have to do it for her" said Mirei with Shion shut her mouth when gobi want to go out

"Ahh so can I see your setlist?"
"Ah here" said Shion

Hibiki look at the setlist and surprised seeing Get Over Dresscode and I FRIEND YOU

"Are you guys going to remake your team kami idol initiations?" asked Hibiki
"Yes but only SoLaMi Smile, Dressing Pafe will just singing the song without the memorial" said Shion

"Okay, I will try contact Janice and if she can, Jewlie also" said Hibiki
"Eh? You sure?" said Mirei surprised

"Ahh since this is Laala last event, might as well help you guys out for the last time" said Hibiki with a smile

Back to reality

Laala still hugging with Jewlie while crying, moments later they let go and Laala wipe Jewlie's tears with a smile

"Moo I really miss you Jewlie..." said Laala
"Jewlie... wait for me backstage okay... I want to announce something to everyone" said Laala
"I know... I will not go away" said Jewlie hug Laala again and then return all of them to the PriXPri

Jewlie and Janice then goes to backstage and Jewlie see Laala's back with a sad smile

"Minna... I have an announcement to make..." said Laala

The crowd goes confused and some of at backstage are curious

"I'm sorry this is a sudden but... I, Kami Idol SoLaMi Smile Laala will be retiring"

"EEEHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!??!?!???????????????????!!!!!!!!!" shout the crowd shocked, surprised and can't believe what they heard

"EEEHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!??!?!???????????????????!!!!!!!!!" shout the crowd shocked, surprised and can't believe what they heard

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Shougo also shout and very shocked at Laala's announcement

"S-S-S-S-SHOUGO! Do you know about this?!" asked Asahi
"N-N-N-NO... NOT AT ALL!!!!!" shout Shougo shocked

"YUME/HAH?!" shout all of them at backstage except Tricolore and Non

Chiri notice that Non isn't surprised yet she looks like she wants to cry

"Non... do you know about this?" asked Chiri and that makes all of them look at Non
"Um... I know... of course I know... why do you think I perform duet with her..." said Non let out tears
"Non..." said Pepper who comforting Non who's crying

On stage

"Due to unexpected problem. I can't continue my idol duties, I'm very sorry and thank you to all my fans who have support until now" said Laala tearing up looking at the crowd and give an apology bow

"Also, the fact that Laala is retiring. Both of us agreed to disband SoLaMi Smile-pri" said Mirei with a sad smile looking at Sophie and Sophie look at Mirei with a sad smile
"EEEEHHHHHH?!" shout the crowd and others backstage

"Laala is our important member of SoLaMi Smile moreover SoLaMi Smile have Laala's name on it. SoLaMi Smile is nothing if it's not complete, we think disbanding is our only option but Mirei and I will still continue our idol activities as solo or maybe duet" said Sophie

Dressing Pafe also comes up with their Kami Idol coords

"Not only SoLaMi Smile who disbands, SoLaMi Dressing will also disband due to the fact that Laala is retiring" said Shion
"That's why today she sang lot of songs guys, because today, this stage, this is Laala's last event with other idols" said Leona

The crowd got very sad and can't believe that this event was actually have a painful meaning

"Guys, we have to bid our farewell for Laala with a smile okay! No more sad faces there!!" shout Dorothy with a smile but Leona know that Dorothy is giving a force smile too

Some of the crowd tried to smile thanks to Dorothy

"As the last batter of the Idol Long Last Party, we have 1 more special cover song to go-pri" said Mirei

Six of them goes in place and they connect their mics with the baton compacts 

"For you all, please accept and enjoyed" said Laala wiping her tears


(A/N: Just copy paste this to your browser, it's an i☆Ris song so you guys know who's parts)


SoLaMi Dressing bow down and then goes to the backstage. As SoLaMi Dressing comes back, all of them in backstage clap their hands by SoLaMi Dressing performance. Jewlie then goes to Laala and hug her

"That was awesome Mama!" said Jewlie hugging Laala
"Jewlie... arigatou" said Laala who hugs back

"Nee Mirei-san, why Jewlie call Laala 'Mama'" asked Yui
"Ahh, so Jewlie transform herself to be a baby right before the Kami Idol Grandprix 6 years ago. And the one who take cares of her is Laala so that's why she called her as Mama-pri" said Mirei
"Heeehhhh" said MyDream

"Who's the father?" asked Asahi
"Well Jewlie did call Shion as papa" said Sophie
"Igo! I'm her father so sorry there Shougo-san" said Shion with a smile

Shougo don't focus on their jokes, he just looked at Laala in serious and sad look because of her retire announcement. Before Koyoi ask Shougo, suddenly Meganii comes to them

"Laala-san, about your retire initiation..." said Meganii in serious look


To be Continued!

To be Continued!

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