8. Painful Truth

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After all of that, six of them goes back to their dorm and Mirei feel something off

"Nee Laala, I don't see Yui at the balcony. Did you know where is she?" asked Mirei

Laala only look down


"Laala! I don't yume understand, why are you retiring?!" asked Yui at their dorm

"It's because of Onii-chan's fans right! Then I should give them a yume-piece of my mind!" said Yui angrily while going up

"Yui wait! I-"

Suddenly Laala feel a great headache and nosebleed and that surprised Yui

"Laala!!!" shout Yui go to her side

Laala then take her medicine and wipe the blood with Yui's help, after calm down, Yui demand explanation

"Laala... what's going on with you?" asked Yui scared

"Gomen Yui... actually I.."

Laala told Yui everything about her Leukimia and her time left. Yui was beyond shock, she never thought and expected that Laala having an illness

"Why now... WHY YOU TELL ME NOW?!" shout Yui angrily
"Gomen Yui..." said Laala

Suddenly Yui got up and leave the dorm without any words

Back to reality

Laala only look down until suddenly she saw Yui at the corridor. Yui notice that Laala are wearing her casual coord before she became a kami idol. Yui then run to Laala and hug her


"Laala... I'm your sister too... you should have at least tell me... but Non-chan said she knows about it a while ago too..." said Yui while hugging her
"Trust me Yui.. five of us just known about this 3 days ago..." said Dorothy

"Then, I will by your side until the end no matter what!" said Yui with determined yet tears to Laala
"Yui... arigatou" said Laala with a smile

Time Skip~

Laala receive a text from Shougo to meet him at their special place and Shougo wants Laala to wear her dress for the Premiere party last time

At the pond in the school park

Laala look around the pond and notice there's a lot of fireflies. Suddenly Shougo appear with a tuxedo and a purple flower on his hand

"Shougo..." said Laala surprised

"Laala... do you want to dance with me?" asked Shougo
"Eh? Why suddenly I-" Laala's mouth was shut by Shougo's finger
"You can only answer Yes or No, so?" said Shougo with a smile while shoving his hand

Laala was surprised but then she smile to Shougo and give her hand to Shougo

"Yes" said Laala with a smile

Shougo put the flower on Laala's ear and Shougo turn on the music with his phone and they having a waltz for a long time under the moonlight. After they dance, they sit by the pond while looking at the stars

"This night are the best huh" said Shougo while looking up at the stars
"Um..." said Laala with a smile looking at the stars with her head lean on Shougo's shoulder

Laala Idol Love Story 2Where stories live. Discover now