8. There's a light chance!

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After that, Dressing Pafe, Mirei, Sophie, MyDream and WITH hurriedly goes to PrixPri to meet Jewlie and Janice. they arrived and saw not only Jewlie and Janice but also Falala, Galala, Tricolore and Garumageddon

"Everyones here right?" asked Jewlie
"Wait, what about NonSugar and Laala?" asked Leona

"I think we shouldn't tell them now about this" said Janice

"Okay, so what is this about curing Laala?" asked Aroma

"So..." said Janice while looking at Falala

"Um... so..." said Falala while showing an old paper with a picture of people making an annual and put it on the table so everyone can see it

"This is..."

"Long time ago... there's an annual event that call the legendary coord that have a very powerful power even more powerful than anything. It can grant any wish you want" said Falala

"Wait, grant any wish?" asked Shougo
"Um... since this coord is more powerful than the Paradise coord so..." said Janice
"If you can gain this coord, you can make one wish so maybe..." said Jewlie

"Then it's settled! With this, we can wish Laala healthy with no more nasty illness!!" shout Dorothy happily
"But there must be a rule for gaining this right?" asked Hibiki with serious look looking at the paper

"Yes.... The only ones who can gain it is..." said Galala
"Kami idols" said Falala looking at Dressing Pafe, WITH, Mirei and Sophie

"EH??!" shout all of them except the vocal dolls

"Only kami idols?!" said Michiru
"Then, only Dressing Pafe-san, WITH, Mirei-san and Sophie-san who can gain it?!?!" said Nino

"Um... since this coord is special, just like when you do the Dream Parade event 6 years ago, it can gain any wish you want. That time Laala who won the Princess coord make a wish to save Hibiki-san from the system bug..." said Janice
"We maybe have a chance to wish mama heal with this coord" said Jewlie

"That's yume-great then! How we get it?!" asked Yui
"It's a gamble actually... different from Paradise Coord and Dream Princess coord that can be obtain from an event. This coord can only be obtain through a very passionate live that you guys do" said Falala
"And not just passionate live, you guys have to use your kami idol power while singing" said Garuru

"EHH!?" shout all of them except the vocal dolls
"Use our kami power?!" said Asahi

"Yes since....." said Galala looking at them with sad look

All of them are shocked but Shougo look serious while looking at his bracelet

"If it's the only way, I will do it then" said Shougo while clinching his hand

"Laala is my girlfriend... I will do anything for her" said Shougo serious

Koyoi and Asahi are very surprised but then both of them smile and touch Shougo's shoulder

"You're not alone Shougo.." said Asahi
"We're here for you, we're a team after all" said Koyoi

"Asahi.... Koyoi..."

Yui look at Asahi with worried and Asahi notice it

"Yui... I'm sorry but..." said Asahi while looking at her eyes with serious

Yui was hesitated for a moment but then she smile to Asahi and give a kiss on his cheek

"It's okay, since it's for Laala's sake and mostly Oniichan's sake. I let you do it" said Yui with a smile

Koyoi look at Sophie but then Sophie smile

"Koyoi-kun, I will also do it" said Sophie
"EHH?!" shout Mirei, Dressing Pafe

"I don't want WITH do it by themselves, Laala is my best friend. I will also do it" said Sophie serious
"Sophie..." said Koyoi

Mirei and Dressing Pafe look at each other and smile as a agreement that they will also do it

"I became a kami idol thanks to Laala's baka kashikoma power. I'm okay doing it-pri" said Mirei with serious look

"That's is settled, the annual will be begun tomorrow" said Janice

Without everyone realizing, Non heard everything that they talk and then runs to the park

"What should I do.... If Onee-chan knows, she will not very happy about it" thought Non with very worried look


What will happen to them? to be Continued! 

Yeah so I will have a hard time to update now since I have a lot of assignments. So be patient guys:) 

Also remember, in every story that I made

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Also remember, in every story that I made.... they will always be a plot twists
so always have a pillow for clinching by the plot okay

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