2. Laala Kiss Scene

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Weeks past, the filming start to come to an end. The two couple only have one more scene and that is their kiss scenes

All the main casts went to Tokyo to shoot their love scene. The one who will be film is Laala and Hibiki love scene at Tokyo Tower

"Okay, how can I kiss Hibiki-san since we have different height..." said Laala
"Oh yeah, how about I bent down a little bit but the camera focus on half of us?" said Hibiki talk to Laala and the producer

"Um! Okay then, we begin in 10 minutes" said the director while go checking the camera

"Nee Hibiki-san... are you sure you don't want me to be your stand in for this kiss scene" said Shougo while holding Laala's shoulder
"You're worry too much Yumekawa-san, I will not take your precious Laala away so this one acting kiss will not hurt" said Hibiki with a little laugh
"But...." Then Shougo's mouth shut by Laala's kiss

After Laala let go, Shougo's face became very red

"Did that calm you down?" asked Laala with a smile
"A-a-aahh um..." said Shougo nervously and then he notice from the kiss that Laala is nervous
"Okayy I will go over there and not disturb you guys" said Hibiki while going away

"Laala... you..."
"Um... It's quite heart wrecking to kiss someone else besides my family and you" said Laala with worried look
"Maybe I should be Hibiki-san stand in" said Shougo while worrying
"But you have different height as Hibiki-san, it's okay moo. Later you have to kiss Akabane-san" said Laala
"Don't even remind me Laala.... I was going to persuade the director to let you be her stand in for my kiss scene" said Shougo while holding Laala's cheek
"But it's the same as you told him that we're dating right? What will happen if someone besides our friends found out about it?" said Laala
"Huuuhhhhhhh........ at this time, I really hate become an idol..." said Shougo
"Ahahaha kashikoma... ahh how about this... we have a full weekend in Tokyo right, after we shoot this kiss scenes how about we go somewhere?" asked Laala 

"Hmmm.... To be honest, my parents live near the Sky Tree Tower. Do you mind we visit them?" asked Shougo
"Kashikoma! I'm okay with it, since you already visit my parents so it's my turn" said Laala with a smile
"I actually regret that we didn't visit my parents 3 years ago when we go to Parajuku" 
"Heehhh then I have to bring something then" said Laala with a smile

Moments later, the director tell Laala and Hibiki to get ready and they get into places

"And Action!!"

Laala look at the scenery with sad look


Laala look at Hibiki and then tried to run away but Hibiki hold her hand

"Wait Ayana!"
"I can't! You're a big superstar! And I'm just an idol who's not popular unlike Nana-chan"
"I don't care! I love you Ayana"

Laala and Hibiki then got closer and suddenly someones cough quite hard

"Cut! Oh my who's coughing?!?!" shout the director
"Ah sorry sorry" said Shougo
"Mattaku! Stand by again"

Shougo then do it again for 3 times and it irritated the director

"Shougo...." thought Laala while looking at Shougo with a worried look
"Wait director-san! May I go to the bathroom?" said Hibiki
"Eh? Okay be hurry"

Hibiki then go closer to Laala and whisper her, Laala then smiled

Hibiki then goes to the bathroom while Laala goes to Shougo, and pull him behind without everyone seeing

"What's wrong Laala?" asked Shougo

Laala look around and then kiss Shougo very passionate, it took a minute them to kiss and then they let go and catch some air

"La-Laala.... W-what..?" said Shougo who tried to catch his breath
"I-it will leave a mark on my mouth, the fact that my lips is all yours" said Laala with a smile
"Hibiki tell me that you kinda don't like it that we kiss, so she told me to kiss you again so that you will calm down and I don't feel anything after kissing Hibiki later on" said Laala

Shougo surprised for a moment and then smiled

"I really owned her a favor huh" said Shougo
"Laala! Let's go!" shout Hibiki
"Ah Kashikoma! I'm going then" said Laala with a smile

After that they come back and continue filming

"I don't care! I love you Ayana!"

Laala and Hibiki got closer and then kiss for seconds and then let go

"Ayana... please give me a chance to love you"
"You're always like that huh..."

"And cut! Perfect!!" shout the director

"Good work everyone!" shout Hibiki and Laala

Laala look at Shougo and he smiles to her and Laala smiles back

After that they go to Sky Tree Tower to shoot Shougo and Mimi kiss scene

"Where's Mimi-chan?" asked the director
"She still on her way from her drama shoot" said one of the staff who's calling Mimi's manager
"Oh my, we have to shoot this scene now!" said the director with a confused and angry look

Hibiki, Laala and Shougo look at what happen and then Hibiki got an idea

"Laala, what is your height now?" asked Hibiki
"Around 158cm I think, why?" said Laala in confused

Hibiki then look at Mimi's profile from her phone

"157cm...." said Hibiki while looking at her phone
"Eh?" said Laala and Shougo

"Nee director-san! If Akabane-san didn't come in 30 minutes, how about making Laala her stand in?" said Hibiki
"EHHH?!" shout Laala     


Laala being Mimi's stand in?! what will happen next? 
To be continued! 

Laala being Mimi's stand in?! what will happen next? To be continued! 

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Laala Idol Love Story 2Where stories live. Discover now