9. All out!

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Shougo take Laala to ferris wheel and they got on

"Now we have time to be together right?" said Shougo with a smile
"Moo I want to see parade more" said Laala pouting
"Gomen Gomen, look you can see it from here right"

Laala look outside and see the parade mix with the amusement park view

"Woahh kireii...."

Shougo smile look at Laala but then he remembers Non said that Laala only have 3 weeks left, he tried to hide that mixed feeling but suddenly he felt Laala touch his cheek

"Shougo... are you thinking about my illness?" asked Laala with a sad look

Shougo can't answer directly and avert his eyes


"Laala... how can you adjust so well?"
"You don't show any pain at all... I know that you do that special therapy but inside you're still hurt right?"

Laala look surprised and then give a sad look

"Laala... please I beg you to tell me that you're hurt, I want to be the one who make you better"
"Laala... I know you want to me to treat you like nothing happen, but I can't stop thinking about it... can you at least tell me, Yui and Non that you're hurting? You only have 3 weeks with us right? We want to use it as the best time of your life so please let out all of your feelings for us?"

Laala very surprised by Shougo's request and can't answer directly to him. Suddenly the ferris wheel stop right on top that makes Laala surprised while looking around but Shougo doesn't look surprised at all

"This ferris wheel stop at 7PM sharp and it will move again later, perfect place for me to hear your answer without you getting away"

"Laala... please?"

Suddenly Laala hug Shougo and Shougo feels that tears go on to his clothes

"Yeah... it hurts me so much... I have to stop being an idol... I can't go to school anymore... I can't have more energy like anyone else... WHY I HAVE TO GET THIS ILLNESS!!" shout Laala crying in Shougo's hug

Laala cry for a quite long time, after that Laala's crying let down

"Laala... finally you let out your pain out" said Shougo with a sad smile
"I don't want anyone know about my pain... seeing you guys hurt is painful to me"

Shougo then push Laala and look at her with serious face

"The fact that you didn't tell us that you're hurting is more painful to us Laala... you even hide your illness from us right? Just let it out so we can have fun till the end"

Suddenly a fireworks come out and they saw the scenery in amazed. Moments later, Shougo touch Laala's hands

"Laala, if anything happens please tell us okay?" asked Shougo 

"Ehhh I can't hear you" said Shougo childish
"Mooo!! Wakatta-kashikoma!!" said Laala with a teary smile

After that Shougo kiss Laala and Laala kiss Shougo back. And then firework fire up to the sky, they look at the fireworks for a moment until Shougo touch Laala's cheek and kiss her again

After that, they let go and smile to each other

"Now, how can we get down?" asked Laala
"Ahh the ferris wheel will start again at 8PM so it should be few minutes more" said Shougo looking at his watch
"How did you know?"
"The staff always have break so the ferris wheel stop at this time, sometime people use that chance to be in the ferris wheel together, I trust time management on this"
"Hahaha... kashikomaa"

After they got off from the ferris wheel, suddenly Laala feel a great headache coming

"Ahh it hurts...." Said Laala while hold her head
"Laala! We're going to the hospital now!" said Shougo while carrying Laala like a princess
"Kashiko- ah!" 

Laala Idol Love Story 2Where stories live. Discover now