10. Best Place for Me

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At Pripara

"Ahh I miss Pripara so much" said Laala happily
"Yeah since the last time you come here around a month ago right?" asked Dorothy
"Um... well I can't sing on stage anymore but at least I can see you all singing" said Laala happily

"Haii haii wakatta, but the doctor said you can't walk of stand up so be a good girl to sit on the wheel chair okay" said Mirei

"Also, if you feel a headache, don't forget to drink the medicine that Shougo's father tell you Laala" said Sophie

Suddenly, some of the girls realized Laala on the wheel chair

"Hey that's Laala-chan right?"
"You're right!"


Some of the girls then comes to Laala and Laala just smile happily seeing her fans

"Laala-chan, are you hurt? What happen?!" asked one of the girls
"Ah it's okay it's okay, it's not that bad hehehe"
"Laala-chan, can I have your sign?"
"But I'm not an idol anymore" said Laala confused

"But you're still an idol to us Laala-chan" said the girls happily

"Laala, it's okay even though you're not an idol anymore but the fans still notice you after all you are a former kami idol-pri"


Laala then let out tears of happiness

"....... KASHIKOMAA!!" shout Laala happily

When Laala giving signatures and talk to her fans
Sophie, Mirei, Dressing Pafe look at Laala happily seeing her smile again

"It's been so long since we saw that smile-pri" said Mirei
"Um..." said Sophie

"Nee are you sure we should sing that song today? Since the mood is so great there" asked Dorothy
"Then should we sing our usual song?" asked Shion
"That is better than our first plan" said Leona
"Wakatta/-pri" said both Mirei and Sophie

After all of that, Laala with Non are heading to the balcony to see Mirei, Sophie and Dressing Pafe live. Non realize that Laala is looking sad

"Onee-chan, you alright?" asked Non
"Non... I couldn't say that I miss singing in front of five of them" said Laala with a sad smile
"So you really miss being an idol..."
"More than you think Non..." said Laala look at the stage

Suddenly someone enters the balcony room and surprised both Laala and Non

On stage

Dressing Pafe greet the fans like usual

"Now what song are we gonna sing?" asked Leona

"Change my World!" "No D&D Code!" "Run for Jumping!" shout all of them

"ALL OF YOU WRONGGG!!" shout Dorothy

"Please listen!" said Shion

"Get over Dresscode!" shout Dressing Pafe

After that the lights goes off for a moment. When it goes on, it shows Mirei and Sophie on stage

"PRIII!!!! Minna! Have fun!?" shout Mirei 
"My little birds, I hope you guys not tired there?" asked Sophie with a cool voice

"NOOOOOO COOOLL!!!!!!!!!!"

"Haii please listen" said Sophie

Laala was surprised, they use a recorded video of her part of the song so it looks like all three of them are singing on stage

"Did they always sing like that?" asked Laala
"Um... if they both singing, they empty your spot and use recorded live, your fans request it to be like that if Mirei-san and Sophie-san are singing SoLaMi Smile song" said Non

"Mirei... Sophie..." said Laala look at them with a sad smile

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