6. Wanting to Help

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After that they practice again for 3 hours until they can't do it and then rest again

"Huaaahhh today is the most exhausting practice we ever done in 6 years" said Dorothy while lying down
"Ahahaha Dorothy relax" said Leona looking at Dorothy

Mirei and Shion are working with the setlist while Laala and Sophie are sitting together

"Sophie... you shouldn't have eat a pickled plum for practice" said Laala
"I don't want too but this is my last practice with you Laala, so I will do anything" said Sophie with a smile
"Sophie....I'm sorry..." said Laala looking down
"It's okay Laala, finally I can properly join practice unlike usual" said Sophie with a smile

"Finally done-pri!" said Mirei
"Hm?" asked Laala, Sophie, Dorothy and Leona

"Laala, how about this?" asked Shion while giving the setlist that both of them make

"Hm..... it's fine to me, what about all of you?" asked Laala
"It's great! So we will be singing a lot then" said Dorothy

Without realizing, Hibiki was outside their training room and she realize that five of them know about Laala's illness since some of them give Laala a sad glace.

"Ah Mirei Shion, may I talk to both of you for a sec" said Hibiki who comes in
"Eh/pri?" said Mirei and Shion while looking at each other
"Without your gobi please" said Hibiki holding herself together

Mirei and Shion then comes out while four of them back practicing for the cover song lead by Laala and Leona. Moments later, Shion and Mirei comes in

"Soo what's going on?" asked Dorothy
"Ahh Hibiki-san just asked about our setlist and the time slot that's all-pri" said Mirei with a smile
"Really?" asked Laala
"She also ask about your condition Laala, since you will be performing a lot tomorrow" said Shion
"Ahhh kashikoma!"

They go back practicing until it's time for Laala to practice the special live

"Jaa I'm going then" said Laala who going out
"Don't forget, after you practice come back here again-pri. We still have a lot of lines to do" said Mirei

Laala then goes out, five of them then look very sad

"It's really unexpected-pri.... That all this time Laala have Leukimia" said Mirei looking down
"Igo! I never have thought she hide that illness for a long time without telling any of us" said Shion
"Or should I say, we didn't realize it. Laala good at hiding it and we are too dense by her positive power" said Leona

"It's already happen so now we can only enjoy our last time with Laala" said Sophie with a smile
"Um... Sophie's right, we have to enjoy this while it lasts" said Dorothy

"Yeahh since not only Laala who will be retiring but also SoLaMi Smile will disband-pri" said Mirei looking down
"Mirei... can't be helped right, SoLaMi Smile is nothing without Laala" said Sophie comforting Mirei

"I just... can't even imagine stay as a kami idol without Laala... yeah I used to do solo before meeting Laala but that time.... I was lonely... Laala is the first person who's match with me in lives, she even forced us to be a team. At first I don't like being in a team with you who's more superior than us yet I'm so grateful she did that. Thanks to her, look at me talking comfortably with you and we already reach our goal together. If I hadn't meet Laala, I would be staying as a lonely solo idol Mirei rather than Kami Idol SoLaMi Smile Mirei" said Mirei looking down without her gobi
"Not only you Mirei, Laala really meant to me. She released me from that cage, she even made me being myself rather than someone being controlled. Meeting you and Laala really a miracle to me. You guys treat me with care and different from my royal fans team. SoLaMi Smile is everything to me and I want to be a SoLaMi Smile member forever but fate is very cruel to us..." said Sophie

"Mirei... Sophie..." said Leona

"You know to be honest, the first time I went to Pripara. Laala help me registered" said Shion
"Oh yeahhh now that you mention it-pri" said Mirei remembering
"Remember that time when Dorothy and Shion were fighting because of Aromageddon, that time if Laala hadn't come to me... Maybe we will not go back being Dressing Pafe and I'm gonna do that solo" said Leona to them
"You're right!" said both Shion and Dorothy

Five of them laugh to each other without realize Dorothy let out tears

"Mattaku... what is this tears!" said Dorothy try to wipe her tears

Shion then hug Dorothy who's crying, Leona goes to Mirei who also crying. Sophie also crying and five of them goes in circle to hug each other

"I will miss Laala so much..." said Sophie while crying
"Pri... she really meant so much to us"

"I treat Laala like my own sister, I never have a thought of losing my own sister in this cruel way" said Shion
"Um... I don't want to lose a sister as well, I don't know when I can repay her baka kashikoma power" said Dorothy

"Minna, I have an idea!" said Leona 


"So? how is it?" asked Leona 

"I agree!! we should do it!" said Dorothy 


"Um! let's do it" said Sophie with a smile 

"Pri! ahh that reminds me, Hibiki-san told me that....." 


What are five of them planning to? to be Continued!

Also this is the last chapter of the arc!

Also this is the last chapter of the arc!

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