7. Initiation

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Suddenly Janice appear and transform SoLaMi Smile coord to their Super Cyalume coords and their Cyalume Coords are glowing. When Dressing Pafe go to the stage, the Making drama circle got lift up and their team logo appear at their back. 


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"SoLaMi Smile, it's time for the team disband initiation" said Janice in the making drama circle with SoLaMi Smile and then Jewlie also look at them with Dressing Pafe at the stage

"Hai!" said three of them

SoLaMi Smile then look at each other in circle, three of them without realize let out tears

"I can't believe this have to end-pri..." said Mirei with a teary smile 

Laala look down can't see Mirei and Sophie's eyes
"Mirei... Sophie... I'm sorry this happen to us... I..I.."

Mirei and Sophie then hold Laala's shoulders and that make Laala face them

"No Laala... it's not your fault, it's already decided by fate so we can't change it-pri"
"Laala... thank you for making this team... helping me... helping Mirei... and us being Kami Idol together... Thank you for being my teammates!" said Sophie crying

Laala then cry and hug both Sophie and Mirei. Three of them cry in each others hug

Dressing Pafe, Jewlie and Janice can't hold their tears and some of the crowd cry and sad looking at SoLaMi Smile

Moments later, they all let go and Laala give a teary smile

"Arigatou Mirei, for making me an idol, lead and guide me to be a great idol. Sophie... arigatou accepting me and Mirei to be your teammates... Arigatou you two for making my 7 years being an idol... be a kami idol with you guys are the best thing in my life!" said Laala with a smile

"Um/Pri!" said Mirei and Sophie while crying

Three of them let out 2 friend tickets of each other and then make their hands in the air just like making team initiation

"Promise... Believe in friendship" said Laala with a teary smile
"Rhythm... Carved in our hearts" said Sophie with a teary smile
"Paradise... Our goal" said Mirei with a teary smile

"Even though we're apart" said Sophie
"No matter where we are" said Mirei
"Our hearts will always connect to each other" said Laala

"We hereby split ourselves for becoming better" said three of them while giving back their pritickets to each other

"I hereby announce SoLaMi Smile are disband and the Kami team title are split" said Janice raising her baton up to three of them. Their team logo was gone suddenly their kami tiaras comes out and put into their heads

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