5. My Secret

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"Laala!! You're bleeding!" said Shion

Laala realize that she's having a nosebleed and she quickly use her tissue to wipe her nosebleed

"Laala are you sick-pri?" asked Mirei worried
"I think I'm too tired that's all hehe" said Laala

"Okay then you need to rest, so SoLaMi Smile no practice for today okay-pri"
"Um/Kashikoma!" said Sophie and Laala together

Hibiki only look at Laala worriedly

At the girls dorm

"Get a good rest Laala, you have been through a lot" said Mirei

Mirei and Sophie then go into their dorm, before Laala go in she quickly run out the building. Before she go, Hibiki go to her

"Wait Laala! I'm coming with you" said Hibiki
"Laala... please so that I can manage you from now on" said Hibiki

Both of them then go into Hibiki's limo and went to somewhere

"Seriously Laala... you should not overwork like that"
"Gomen... I'm too excited after all"

"Laala... you sure don't want to tell anyone about it?"

Laala only look down and don't answer Hibiki

Moments later they arrived to 

The hospital

Laala and Hibiki comes in to a room and greeted by

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