8. I don't Want that!!

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Few hours later

Shougo tells everything about Laala after he calm down. Asahi and Koyoi was beyond shocked

"So that's why Yui cry yesterday... she didn't want to tell me because it's someone's secret" said Asahi can't believe

"I....I.... I don't even know.... I don't even want to imagine it...." Said Shougo crying and that makes Asahi and Koyoi very worried

"Shougo... but we and everyone can't change anything. It's decided by fate like Mirei-san and Sophie tell on stage at the initiation." said Koyoi while comforting Shougo
"I know... I just can't accept it... I broke her heart few weeks ago, I already pledge myself to never break her heart again and always by her side all the time... but now, I don't have much time left with her..." said Shougo looking down

"Shougo..." said Asahi come closer to her

Suddenly Koyoi's phone rings

"Hello Sophie?.......Yes I can drive why-" Koyoi was shocked

"Laala-san fainted?!" said Koyoi

That makes Shougo look up to Koyoi with shocked face

"Okay, I'm on my way" said Koyoi while looking at Shougo with worried look

"WHAT HAPPEN?!" shout Shougo
"I don't know too, but Hibiki-san already take her to hospital. Her friends want to go to hospital now" said Koyoi
"I'm coming!!" said both Asahi and Shougo
"Laala..." thought Shougo worried

At the hospital

Mirei, Sophie, Dressing Pafe, MyDream and WITH run to the hospital corridor and they saw Hibiki with a doctor

"Dad!" shout Shougo
"Shougo.. Yui.." said Shougo's father surprised seeing his son and daughter
"Yume!? Dad is Laala's doctor?!" said Yui surprised
"Explanation later! What happen?!" shout Shougo

"Laala-chan's body is very weak now since she perform a lot of lives today so her body couldn't take it anymore. For now she need a lot of rest, starting tomorrow she will have a lot of therapy" said Shougo's father explains

"Laala..." said Mirei and Sophie

"Thank you doctor" said Hibiki bowing

When Shougo's father almost gone, suddenly Mirei and Shion look at each other and the go to Shougo's father while the rest goes inside Laala's room

"Nee doctor, may we ask something?" asked Mirei
"Laala's leukemia already incurable right? Even if she went therapy it will not heal her right?" asked Shion
"Yes... therapy only make her live longer. If Laala-chan choose not to do therapy, then her life would have ended faster than now" said Shougo's father
"But... why she choose to do therapy?" asked Shion
"She said she still want to do her idols work and conceal her illness symptoms from her friends, I as her doctor can only accept her request" said Shougo's father with a sad look

Shion and Mirei can only look sad and can't accept that Laala will be gone faster than they think.

Time Skip~

Laala still go to school but at the afternoon she goes to the hospital to do the therapy. Shougo insists take him with her but Laala forbid him since he still have school. She says if anything happens, his father would tell him first so Shougo at the cafeteria looking at his phone intensely

"Shougo... you should stop looking at your phone and eat already" said Koyoi
"Ahhhh!!! I'm scared if something happens to Laala..." said Shougo looking sad
"Shougo-san.... Laala is in your own father's hands so believe at him to take care of her okay" said Mirei calming Shougo

"Wakatta..." said Shougo

Just then, Dressing Pafe comes to them in hurry and out of breath 

"What's wrong?" asked Sophie
"Hah...Hah..... YOU GUYS NEED TO HEAR THIS!" shout Dorothy showing her idol watch and it shows Janice and Jewlie

"What's wrong Jewlie?" asked Mirei
"Janice and I just remember something that maybe can cure Mama's illness" said Jewlie
"HAH?!" shout WITH, Sophie and Mirei 


To be Continued!

To be Continued!

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