4. Fixing Everything

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The Next Day


Suddenly a staff came to the News anchor and give a paper

"I just received news that the girl is PRIPARA KAMI IDOL SOLAMI SMILE LAALA!"

The others watch the news together

"Mann I hope Hibiki's plan not backfired" said Mirei
"Um..." said all of them at the cafeteria

At that time. Laala, Shougo and Hibiki at the PriXPri place to make an official statement in the press conference

"You guys ready?" asked Hibiki
"Are you sure Laala's fans will be happy about this?" asked Shougo
"Can you just trust me for once? Okay" said Hibiki to Shougo

Three of them comes out and greeted by a lot of reporters and camera

"So today we would like to confirm the news, first of all I'm sorry to all our fans about this sudden news" said Shougo and Laala while bowing down

"So what about the news that you and Akabane Mimi-san?" asked the reporter
"Today I will confirm to you all. I was threaten by her, actually from the start I already date Laala. I will be lying if I didn't date her before, yes before I date Akabane Mimi but she move away and never contact me again suddenly Laala came to Paparajuku and few months later I gather courage to date Laala. But I was scared because our idol career is more important so we don't make it to public but when Akabane Mimi make that news about us, I made my real girlfriend hurt and after a lot of discussion we agree to let it out to public. So I'm very sorry to Laala's fans for making your idol hurt" said Shougo bowing down

"You two have been dating for how long? And how you two manage it because the fact that you two are an idol" asked other reporter

"We already date for around 3 years now, since I have to go around Japan to do my idol work. We kinda have long distance relationship for 2 years but we still connect to each other a lot and support each other's activity although Shougo didn't tell me that he became a kami idol months ago. We still focus on our own idol activities and we don't want to hurt any of our fans so that's why we keep it a secret but due to unforgiven problem. We have no choice but to reveal our relationship" said Laala

"So that includes all your questions today, these two don't want their fans to be hurt which means that they love their fans more than anything so I hope all of their fans understand this situation. Thank you so much" said Hibiki

After the press conference

"Ahhh I'm still scared about our fans..." said Laala worriedly
"Why you don't try it out then?" asked Hibiki

Moments later, Laala and Hibiki comes to a stage and see Mirei, Sophie and Dressing Pafe on stage

"Nee minna! Have you all have fun?" asked Dorothy

"Then we should start singing then" said Shion

"Wait!! Where's Laala-chan?!" Shout one of the crowd

"Well... we're being honest here, she's afraid that you guys didn't like her because she date someone-pri" said Mirei

"So you guys okay with Laala dating WITH's Shougo?"


"Well Laala you hear them" said Leona to Laala at the back

The crowd look at the back and they all saw Laala with Hibiki

"LAALA-CHAN!!" shout the crowd and comes to her

"Eh? Ettoo..."

"Laala-chan! It's okay, we agree that you're dating Shougo-sama" "yeahh you guys are like top ship from the fandom after all it's a dream come true that you guys date for real!"
(A/N: It's a fact right guys?:v)

"Wakatta-kashikoma!!!" shout Laala and run to the stage, change her coord and stand beside Mirei and Sophie

"Please listen!" said six of them on stage

"Arigatou!!!!" shout all of them

At the backstage

"How was it-pri?" asked Mirei
"I'm happy! I'm glad our fans okay with me although I just break a Idol rule..." said Laala
"It's okay, I'm dating Koyoi so no problem right" said Sophie with a smile

Suddenly Dressing Pafe surprised seeing Laala

"Laala!! Your-"    


What happen there?! to be Continued! 

This is the last chapter of the arc!
The unforgiven arc will start

This is the last chapter of the arc!The unforgiven arc will start

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