"Ruffnut! You're crushing on Ruffnut?!" He asked.

"There is just a way that that woman handles explosives," Fishlegs sighed dreamily.

"Oooookaaaayyyyy..........." Hiccup honestly had no idea what to say to that.

"Hiccup, Fishlegs, ten minute prep time remaining before you both are late." Astrid reminded them suddenly. Fishlegs jumped but Hiccup was already used to it.

"Thank you Astrid," Hiccup spoke to the room.

"Anytime Hiccup and thank you for the roses." She giggled.

"Roses?" Fishlegs asked as he followed Hiccup out. "You gave her roses during the....." he waved his hand to indicate the virtual world.

"Snotlout did mention giving flowers," Hiccup told his roommate.

"I can't believe you listened to Snotlout and it worked. You got a girlfriend." Fishlegs said in wonder. "Maybe I should try it."

"Well there is nothing wrong with telling Ruffnut how you feel," Hiccup said. "Also, I'm not exactly sure Astrid is my girlfriend. I mean, how do you even classify a relationship with a......." Hiccup drifted off there. On one hand Astrid was a machine that acted very much like a human and Hiccup forgot he was even speaking to a machine, but the very thought of an actual relationship still boggled his mind. On the other hand he likes spending time with her and would like to know her better. "Besides she just wanted to see what a date was. I don't even know if there will be another."

"Oh I definitely want another date," Astrid whispered through the device causing Hiccup to squeak. Fishlegs looked at him oddly before Hiccup tapped the side of his head. His roommate immediately understood that Astrid said something.

"Well..... Looks like I have another date," Hiccup told him as they reached their destination, the Biodome's seedbanks.

"When?" Fishlegs whispered as they stepped inside.


Fishlegs nodded as both he and Hiccup greeted Hank and Mary. The two scientists had asked for some help with cataloging the successful genetically modified plant seeds and storing them for future use.

Hiccup and Fishlegs got a quick tour of the place and were then put to work. The work was tedious and Hiccup's eyes swam a bit from all the scientific names. Fishlegs seemed to be enjoying himself though as he showed Hiccup the different types of weeds.

"I thought only fruits, vegetables and tree seeds were saved here?" Hiccup asked Mary once she came to check on them. "Why are there so many weeds? Humans don't eat them right?"

"The Biodome might be small but we are planning to go on a larger scale once experiments are completed." Mary explained. "A large ecosystem like this planet can't just thrive on fruits and vegetables. Weeds also play an important role. They are a vital counter to desertification on the open plains."

"They are?" Hiccup asked and looked confused.

"Desertification happens mostly because of drought, deforestation or inappropriate agriculture." Mary started explaining. "If weeds, trees or any other plants are removed then the soil is vulnerable to erosion. Their roots are what hold it all together." Hiccup nodded as he and Fishlegs went back to work. Mary walked over to one of the seed banks and took out a sample to show them. "Some weeds are actually useful to humans. This is Jasminum polyanthum or Jasmine. It's great to make tea out of."

"Dr. Hofferson, what is tea?" Fishlegs asked suddenly. Hiccup was also frowning as he didn't know either. Mary actually looked horrified at the boys before she called out to her husband "HANK GET YOUR BEHIND IN HERE!"

A.I.: Orphans of Terra (HTTYD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora