Chapter 30 ✔️

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He took a deep breath before starting. "It all started when Y/n went missing... Everyone started worrying about her. Everyone started looking for her. No one thought for a second about, "oh I wonder how John's doing?" Or "What's John been up to?" NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON CAME TO ME... You think that I'd be ok with this? With being shut out the way I was? No. I was left alone in the dark for 2 years!!! 2 years with no one to talk to, 2 years of no one caring. I get that a missing person is important, but you shouldn't forget about the people still in your life. I know I did wrong but that doesn't mean you have to completely leave me out of what happened. Especially with Y/n!! I know that you didn't know my relationship with your sister very well but if you did you'd really understand. I loved her and I was hurting too. Did you really think that I would want to see her disappear? I wasn't ok!! But no one cared!!"

He spoke with heavy breaths and glossy eyes. But he wasn't finished.

"I tried to get ahold of people. A lot of people. And guess what? No one answered. So, after a while, I just gave up. I decided that Y/n wasn't worth my time. And that I'd get payback for what she put me through. First, years of a one sided love. And then, years of abandonment. That's where you come in. Your my bait. For the perfect plan."

He blinked tears away as he smirked and eventually stared laughing.

What is even with this guy?? "The perfect plan"???

"What do you mean bait? And what plan?"

He stopped what he was doing as he spoke. "Dara... Now why would I tell you that? Do you really think of me as stupid?"

I scoffed. "Yes. I do."

His jaw clenched and he slapped me hard. I winced but my hands were tied so I couldn't ease the stinging.

"You better watch what you say to me. I won't hesitate to hurt you before the real fun begins.." He smirk at his last remark.


*Taehyung's P.O.V.*

After breakfast, Y/n told me that she needed to do some get paperwork from the hospital. I begged her to let me go but she insisted on me staying home. She said that her wounds were healing pretty quickly and she didn't feel too sore from last night. Guess I need to step up my game next time...

Anyway, since I had nothing to do, I decided to call the boys and tell them to come over. I thought that it might be a nice surprise for Y/n considering that she had a good relationship with them before everything happened. After calling them, they all came within the hour. They were all really eager to see Y/n after all of that time. I'm happy that they love her as much as I do..


The boys and I all sat in the living room waiting for Y/n to return when Namjoon spoke.

"Now, we're all obviously still going to love Y/n for whatever she looks like now. That's no problem. But.. did she change in her.. personality in anyway? Did what happened affect her so majorly that... I don't know how to put it..."

"It's ok Namjoon.. I understand what you mean. And no, she hasn't changed. She's still the bubbly, sassy, girl I fell in love with 2 years ago. Yes, what happened did affect her, but she doesn't let that stop her from living her life. She was making jokes and laughing and smiling, all while I was getting confused. Like, how can she still be this happy even after what she's been through, right? But I don't know man. She's just... she's so strong." I smiled looking down.

The boys all smiled at my speech but just then we all heard the door start to unlock. Their eyes widened and they all ran to hide somewhere.

Shaking my head, I started walking to the door. With a sigh, she closed the door behind her and took off her shoes. But her low face instantly turned into a bright smile when she saw me. I held my arms out and she gladly came in my embrace. She snuggled her face in the crook of my neck as we moved from side to side.

I leaned down to her ear and whispered. "I have a surprise for you.."

She backed away from the hug just enough so that we're still holding each other but her face is in front of mine. She tilted her head slightly and looked confused.

"Surprise? Why? You didn't have to do anything..."

I chuckled at her cuteness and pulled completely away from the hug. But missing her warmth, I grabbed her hand and led her to the living room. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Hoseok crouching not so hidden behind a chair. Holding my laugh in, I stopped in the middle of the room.

Slowly looking around, I spoke up. "One... two... three!"

Suddenly, everybody burst out from their hiding with their hands extended yelling surprise. Y/n yelped as she jumped into my arms out of fright. But as soon as she realized that it was the boys, she burst into laughter. So did everybody else.

After we all settled down, we all sat on the couch. Y/n in a corner with me hugging into her while Jin was on the other side. Everyone else scattered.

For a while, they all just stared at Y/n in silence. But when she stirred against me I looked at her and saw that she felt uncomfortable. I coughed getting the guys attention back. Hoseok was the first to speak.

"Wow Y/n... You look just as beautiful as when we last saw you. No, you've gotten more beautiful."

Y/n slightly blushed but said thank you.

"Ahh Y/n how have you been doing lately?" Jin asked from beside her.

She looked up, her flush gone, and responded. "I've been doing ok ever since Taehyung and I made up. I'm actually moving in with him so that really boosted my attitude." She giggled at the end making me smile.

Everyone now looked at me.

"Moving in with you? Already?" Yoongi asked. "I mean, not that's it's a bad thing.. I just didn't expect it..."

I took a deep breath and sat up letting go of Y/n. "I know that it was unplanned but I really think it's the right thing to do. I love Y/n and she loves me so why not take advantage of the situation?"

Everyone nodded in agreement and we talked for a little while longer before the boys left me and Y/n alone. I turned to her still on the couch. I decided that now was the time to get something off of my chest. Something I've been wanting to tell her ever since we saw each other again. Taking her hands in mine, I spoke.

"Y/n. I love you so much. I want you to know that. I want to drill that into your head and make sure that you never forget it. I never want you to feel like your a burden because your not. And I never want you to doubt yourself or my love for you. I'm putting my complete trust into you and I hope you'll do the same. I will never cheat on you because I just love you too much to do that. And I promise that I will never, ever hurt you like he did. I won't. I love you so much Y/n you don't even understand."

My eyes glossy, I looked up to see Y/n silently crying before she pulled me into a tight hug. I felt like I really needed to make sure she knew how much I loved her and that she didn't deserve what happened. I knew that we both needed this moment on bonding and putting our trust in each other. So we held each other, crying and smiling, eventually laying down. Falling asleep in each other's arms, feeling nothing but love.

A/N: Unedited!! Ok so... I realized that I probably should not have put my story on hold.. I guess that I didn't need as much time as I thought but a lot is going on right now. I hope you liked this chapter and I will try to post more often! Thank you for reading and to be continued my loves.
- Grace

Let The Games Begin ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon