Chapter 18 ✔️

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"What are you doing here?" You said gaining some confidence you didn't know you had.

He just chuckled. "What? Am I not allowed to come see my girlfriend?

Dara gasped and so did you.

"Y/n! He's your boyfriend! So your cheating on him!" She yelled.

Your eyes widened as now, you've brought Taehyung into this. Something you didn't want to do..

Jae's eyes filled with anger as he stepped closer to you. "You're with someone else Y/n??!"

"Well I'm not with you!" You yelled stepping back.

"Yes you are! I told you to wait!" He grabbed your wrist.

You winced but quickly pulled back. You realized you were causing a scene in the arcade and people were staring.

"Let's not do this here." You said.

He scoffed. "You're mine Y/n! Don't forget that!"

"I'm not yours! I stopped being yours when you told me you hated me! When you started abusing me! When you didn't give one crap about my feelings even after all we've been through! I don't love you! So leave!" You yelled tears forming in your eyes.

Then, a sudden impact landed on your right cheek.

He slapped you.

You chuckled sadly. "Get away from me!"

You took Dara's hand in yours and ran out of the arcade.

"What's going on? Y/n? Answer me!!" She pleaded.

You turned a corner and pushed Dara up against a wall. "Listen to me Dara. If he finds us, run. Go to a hotel or something. Don't try to save me. And don't tell anyone where you are. Even if you think you can trust them. Only tell me where you are. Got it?"

"But Y/n..."

"Got it!?"

She nodded and a tear ran down her face. You wiped it away. "Don't cry for him."

She sniffed. "I'm not crying because of him.. I'm crying because of you... I never realized how hard your life is here... I'm so sorry. I'm such a bad sister..."

You were shocked by her words and quickly embraced her. "Hey... It's ok... I know you don't have the best time where you are either... Let's start over ok..?"

She nodded and you released.

A familiar voice started clapping. "That was sweet... Now your coming with me."

You pulled Dara behind you protectively and started walking backwards. Thankfully the corner you turned on led to an alley way so you wouldn't end up hitting a wall.

You got to a corner and pushed Dara out. "Run Dara... Don't come back for me."

She burst into tears but ran off somewhere where you hoped she was safe.

Jae started laughing. "I don't need her.. I just need you."

He grabbed you by your hair and started dragging you towards who knew where.

But you weren't going to give up that easily. You did this new trick you learned from Mr. Chen when Jae left and that got you out of his grasp. You started running away and turned corners quickly.

He was shocked by your newly found skills but quickly came back to his senses when you were out of sight.

He started running for you whilst yelling. "I SEE YOU'VE LEARNED A THING OR TWO WHILE I WAS GONE HUH?!"

He could see you just a couple of meters away and reached out for your shirt. He grabbed it by the neck and pulled you back.

You started choking and gasping for air as he continuously pulled without mercy. You were sure it would leave a mark later.

He finally let go leaving you a gasping mess and started picking you up by your legs.

With the strength you had left, you started punching his back hoping it would do something.

But, you were too weak from running and you will admit, you were terrified.

"Stop it. You can't get away this time." He said annoyed.

You just groaned.

Suddenly, you started silently sobbing. You knew what he meant and you didn't want to have to go through it again. But you knew you couldn't get away from him. Not this time.

But how did he know where Dara was? How did he know where I was? What if I moved? Did someone tell him? But who? It had to be someone I know!

This was all too much for you and your eyes started getting heavy. You could feel the blood already rushing to your head making you fall unconscious.

You let go.

A/N: Oof. ANYWAY, Thank you so much for 100 reads!! To be continued my loves.
- Grace

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