Chapter 25 ✔️

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*Taehyung's P.O.V.*

Hearing my name come out of her mouth after all this time.. I didn't realize how much I missed her. But seeing her now, in this state. Just breaks me. She's still as beautiful as ever... But she looks different. Her skin in more pale, probably due to the lack of food.. Her eyes are a bit puffy from crying. But they don't have the same glow they had 2 years ago. The color in her seems.. Faded. As if.. She has been drained of her emotions. Hollow.

I walked in and closed the door behind me. I stared at her with tears in my eyes. We didn't exchange words. We didn't need to. So we both just stared at each other. Taking in each other. Remembering everything. Possibly, forgiving everything. Hopefully.

I walked closer. But only by a step. That's when I spoke.

"Y/n.. I.. I am so sorry.. I know t-that sorry won't ch-change anything b-but I want you to know that I-I'm so sorry.." My voice was giving up on me as I watched tears form in her eyes through my blurred ones.

She looked down and shook her head. "Taehyung.. Why are you apologizing? You have nothing to apologize for.."

"But I do. I have so much to apologize for."

She looked into my eyes.

"I need to apologize for actually believing your words on the phone that one night. I need to apologize for giving up so easily on you. I need to apologize for not being there for you. Not keeping you safe. Like I said I would. I'm so sorry that this happened to you. And that I just lived on with my life. As if nothing had happened. While you were suffering. I am truly sorry."

"Taehyung... Don't you dare apologize for anything. Nothing was your fault. You made all the right choices. I'm so glad that you chose to forget about me, at least for a little while. I'm grateful that you lived on with your life. I'm happy for you, I really am. You never needed me in your life. You can take care of yourself. I wanted you to believe those words, so you wouldn't hurt as much. I wanted you to give up on me, so you could be happy and free. You did everything how it was supposed to be. And I'm so proud of you."

I couldn't hold myself any longer. I unglued my feet from the floor and I almost ran into the bed and wrapped my arms around her. Feeling her against me again was a feeling I could only describe as: Bliss

The way her small body fit perfectly in my embrace just felt right. Everything felt right. As long as I'm with her, everything will be alright. She was my love. And she always will be. This I know will never change.

As we held each other, I now can't imagine myself without her. It's like a missing piece of me has been restored. But I never knew it was absent in the first place. It's as if I've found something that I wasn't looking for, that I thought I didn't want. But in fact needed the most. She is what I needed.

"Y/n... Will you.. Take me back?" I asked against the crook of her neck.

She smiled as much as her weak body would let her. But it was enough to outshine a million suns in an instant. Everything about her was just magnificent. The way she always had to make others smile and laugh. How she always puts other first. Puts their happiness before hers. How her smile could brighten anyone's day, no matter how bad it's been. How fiesty she can be, and protective she becomes when the people she cares about are at risk. She really is everything. And that's why I can't let her go this time. I won't let her go.

"Taehyung.. Do you remember what you told me that one night before everything happened?"

I slightly pulled away from the hug to look at her and nodded.

She smiled again and her hand went to my cheek, caressing it. "I love you too.."

Everything within me, all of the doubts, the hate, the self shaming, the negative, everything, just vanished into thin air. When she said those 4 words. It was like the world stopped. It stopped only for us. In that moment, it was just me and her. She looked into my eyes, and I saw nothing but love.

I pulled her to me and kissed her with every ounce of passion and love and emotion that has been inside of me for the past 2 years waiting to burst out at any moment. Her lips against mine again felt like heaven. I needed her with me. Forever. I know this now. Everything about her, it makes me a better person. She makes me a better person.

We finally released from the kiss but I gave her a small peck just because I already missed her lips in mine. She smiled. God I love her.

"So.. Is that a yes?"

She shook her head and smiled even more now. "Yes.. I'm all yours.."

A/N: I'm giving you guys a nice chapter with no drama because you deserved it! This is so sweet but what will happen next? What will happen when he has to go back on tour? What will happen when her mother gets into the mix? Whaaaaattt??? Ok it's not that dramatic. Maybe. Hope you liked it! To be continued my loves.
- Grace

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