Chapter 29 ✔️

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*Dara's P.O.V.*

I made my way towards the parking lot for my waiting Uber. I finally made it to Seoul and want to get to Y/n as soon as possible. Making sure I left nothing behind, I quickened my pace towards the black car.


The ride had been quiet, which was what I expected and wanted, to say the least. But, as I looked out the window, nothing looked familiar. A sign passed: 5 Miles to Goyang.

Goyang?!? What?!? This isn't Seoul!!!

"Hey!! Why are we going this way! Seoul is the other way!!" I asked trying to get a view of the driver. But he had a mask on.

Chuckling, he said, "Don't worry. You'll get where you need to go."

My eyes widened at his words. Is he kidnapping me?! 

Taking out my phone, I tried to call someone, anyone. But...

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Wouldn't want to get into an... accident now would we?" He threatened.

I gulped and put my phone down. Maybe I can text someone.

"And don't text anyone either. I can look at the road while watching you at the same time so don't try to pull anything."

Well there goes that idea. So... I'm really being kidnapped?! Why of all days?!!?

"At least tell me who you are!! I should know my kidnapper right?" I asked pathetically.

He let out an ugly laugh before speaking. "I'm sad that you don't remember me. Even with my mask on, doesn't my voice sound familiar?"

As he spoke, I tried to match his voice with a face. But... I couldn't.

"I really don't remember. Please tell me." I asked again.

"Hm... Remember John?" I could see his smirk under the mask.

My breathing hitched. So Y/n was right about him. He is insane!!

I kept quiet, not wanting to speak anymore. And I'm guessing he took my silence as I recognition. I felt tears threaten to fall but I refused to look weak in front of this maniac. Breathing in deeply and out slowly, I shifted my position. This was going to be a long ride so might as well get comfortable.


Not realizing that I fell asleep, I sat up and looked at my surroundings. Still in the car. Where are we going anyway??

I looked out of the window. It was too dark to see anything so that doesn't help.

"Your finally awake. How did you sleep?" He asked with absolutely no emotion whatsoever.

I scoffed. "Like you care. Where are we going?"

"You should be nice to me. I am kidnapping you after all. I have to power to do anything I want. You on the other hand... What I'm saying is don't make me mad. You'll find out when we get there so let it go." He said coldly.

Sighing, I gave up. I didn't want to fight. I was too exhausted. Even though I just took a nap for who knows how long. My eyes ended up getting heavy and I found myself drifting off to sleep once again.


This time when I woke up, I wasn't in the car. Instead, I was seated on a chair in front of a long table, with John sitting on the other side staring at something behind me. But once he saw that I was awake, his eyes shifted to mine. He had this sinister look that made me want to look away, but at the same time I felt as if something bad would happen if I did. He spoke.

"I thought I'd tell you the story of why your here. Your probably wondering that anyway am I right?" He raised an eyebrow. Ew.

I nodded still keeping eye contact.

He took a deep breath before starting. "It all started when Y/n went missing..."

A/N: Cliffhangerrrr!!! The next chapter is the full explanation but I'm having super writers block for this story. I'd love your feedback! To be continued my loves.
- Grace

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