Chapter 19

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Yoongi's POV

I'm staring at my phone in disbelief... Jimin actually attempted suicide....

"Why didn't he just hold on awhile longer? Why did he do it...?" I asked myself, I have so many questions.

Jihyun: "Hello this is Jimin's brother informing you that Jimin is currently in the hospital because he stabbed himself."

Yoongi: "Since when does Jimin have a brother?"

Jihyun: "He's always had a brother."

Yoongi: "Wow..."

Jihyun: "Yeah... Just thought I would let all his friends know what happened.."

Yoongi: "Did you know about him being abused?"

Jihyun: "Sadly, yes I did.. "

Yoongi: "Why didn't you do anything about it?!"

Jihyun: "Because I also abused him and if I didn't then my dad would've killed or disowned me"

Yoongi: "Wouldn't you rather have that then have your brother be abused?!"

Jihyun: "Yes... But I was being selfish and if I did get killed or disowned he would continue to beat Jimin."

Yoongi: "True..."

Jihyun: "You're not gonna yell at me about being selfish...?"

Yoongi: "No, you're going through a hard time, your brother just tried to kill himself."

Jihyun: "Oh... Thank you"

Yoongi: "Did someone yell at you for being selfish?"

Jihyun: "Yeah, JungKook did. I don't know if you know him but he's one of Jimin's friends and apparently his boyfriend."


Jihyun: "Oh shit I don't think I was supposed to tell.. Another thing I fucked up on."

Yoongi: "Naw its okay, and JungKook is short tempered. Ignore whatever the hell that kid said."

Jihyun: "Ok.."

I still could not believe Jimin did it...

Yoongi: "Why did Jimin do it?"

Jihyun: "I beat Jimin and later watched my dad put a note and a knife on Jimin's bed, but he wouldn't let me read the note because he knows I secretly care so damn much about Jimin and later when I went to check what the note said it said "Do us all a favor" and Jimin wrote "okay" in his own blood and he was on the floor bleeding to death."

Yoongi: "Woah..."

Jihyun: "I know Im such a horrible brother.."

Yoongi: "No no its okay. I know you didn't wanna hurt Jimin."

Jihyun: "But I let it get to the point to where Jimin tried killing himself."

Yoongi: "It's alright man, you didn't know it was gonna happen."

Jihyun: "Okay.."

I Laid on my bed thinking, Jimin really did do it...

Is he gonna be okay? What is gonna happen to JungKook if he died? Oh my god did we really just loose someone we abused for 3 years and just stopped?!

"Yoongi!" I was snapped from my thoughts by my mom.

"Yes Mother?" I said looking up at her.

"What are you thinking about? I called your name 3 times." My mom said.

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