Chapter 7

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Yoongi's POV

"Mom can I go to Namjoon's house today?" 

"You need to rest your foot Yoongi." 

"Then I'll do that there..?" 

"Somehow I do not believe you because of the way you said that." 

"What! I will I promise." I say begging.

Everyone is going to be at Namjoon's house because it's the last day of the weekend. Also known as the last day of freedom.

I could hear my mom let out a sigh then she agreed.

"Yay! Thanks mom!" I say hugging her.

I have to use these crutches to walk and I have a giant cast on my foot which sucks.

We got into the car and started driving.

"Stay off that foot as much as possible ok Yoongi?" My mom says before I can get out of the car.

"Alright mom I will." I say leaning in to hug her.

"Ok have fun, text me when you want to be picked up." My mom said and I nodded.

I wonder if Jimin's gonna be there.

I knock on the door and Namjoon opened it.

"Haha! You can't walk normally Hyung!" Namjoon started to laugh.

"That mother trucker fucked my foot up real bad Namjoon." I said limping in his house. 

"Look who the clumsy one is now!" Tae shouts as I walk into the giant living room.

"Shut up trippy." I say sitting on the couch.

"Oh hey Jimin didn't notice you." I say looking over at Jimin who is texting or something.

Jimin's POV

I told my dad I have dance practice today but really I went to Namjoon's.

I texted Namjoon asking if I could come over because it's lonely at my house.

I really just wanted to get away from my Brother and Dad because they're drunk again.

I used make-up to cover the bruises my dad gave me this morning.

Namjoon and I decided to invite everyone else over because it'll be fun.

I am still scared of each and every one of them but I'm slowly getting used to it.

I started getting a phone call so I went outside so none of them could hear me.


"Jimin where are you?"




"Quit your damn stuttering boy before I drive to the school and beat your ass!"

I stayed silent.

"When will you be home! You need to clean this shit hole of a house!" 




"Don't raise your voice at me boy!"


"You make me so pissed if you were at home you would be dead!"

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