Chapter 8

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Jimin's POV

It was the end of the day and I wasn't ready for my dad to force me to quit dance.

"Dad please I love dance, you can't just take me out of it!" I yell as we walk through the halls.

"Don't raise your voice at me Jimin!" My dad yelled and glared at me.

"I refuse to quit dance." I instantly regret saying that.

"What was that Jimin? You don't want to obey me?!" My dad turned around and yelled in my face.

My dad then grabbed my arm tight enough that it'll bruise.

My dad pushed open the dance studio's doors and everyone stared at me...

Well this is awkward and shameful.

"Hey Mr. Kong I'm Jimin's dad." My dad said in a nice tone which made me angry.

"Oh hey Mr. Park good to see you!" Mr. Kong said.

"Jimin's quitting dance." My dad said and everyone froze in their steps.

"Why does he wanna quit?" Mr. Kong asked.

"We're really busy and he doesn't have time." My dad said.

All his lying made me really mad. 

I've never been this mad before.. He is taking away the only escape I have from reality.

"Are you sure? He's really good at dance, I believe he could have a big future with dance." Mr. Kong said.

"I don't want my son being a dancer." My dad said loosing his niceness.

"What do you mean Mr. Park? Isn't Jimin's future up to him and not you?" Mr. Kong asked.

"No it's up to me because I want my child to be successful." My dad said in a mad tone.

"I don't think you should be treating Jimin like this Sir." Mr. Kong said furrowing his eye brows.

"It's not up to you how I parent my child Mr. Kong." My dad said getting mad.

"Look, Jimin doesn't like to dance as much as he thought." My dad said.

"BULLSHIT!" I suddenly screamed and my dad glared at me.


I regret everything I said at that moment.. When will all my pain and suffering end?

"Jimin don't raise your voice at me! Did I teach my son to act like that!? NO!" My dad yelled and raised his hand and I flinched.

"DON'T HIT ME!" I screamed and flinched.

I fell to the floor and started to cry, I know it makes me look weak but I was so scared that he would beat me again, in front of everyone.

Jungkook's POV

We all gasped when Jimin's dad raised his hand and Jimin screamed.

"DON'T HIT ME!" Jimin screamed.

It all came back to me, when Jimin was crying on the balcony of Namjoon's house he screamed at us begging us to not hit him. He flinches all the time because we hit him and so does his dad! When we were suspended for 2 weeks and Jimin was still limping was because his dad did something!

"Did you just almost hit your son?!" Mr. Kong yelled.

Just then Jimin's dad stormed out of the building leaving Jimin on the floor crying.

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